97 - Hidden Truths

Start from the beginning

I started to sweat as I felt the cold steel of a blade resting by my neck. Glancing at it, I could tell it was Excalibur.

"O-of course not..." I slowly replied.

I felt the sword retract from my neck. Okay...since when did Erica become this crazy?

And then I felt something soft on my back. Glancing behind me, Erica was now hugging me from behind. She shoved her face into the space on my back between my two shoulders, snuggling in.

She seemed so at peace, it was hard to believe that she just threatened me a second earlier. Especially since that's the first time that Erica's done that...

Not worrying at all...

"No fair!" Yui and Iris wined, completely in tune. Amber just pouted as she looked away.

I looked back at the three kuuderes, who hadn't noticed Erica's display of affection and seemed to be getting along despite their collective lack of showable emotions.

I should call the Principal. See what she thinks about this. Also, she'll give me an earful is she finds out that something happened and I d didn't tell her.

"Hey Erica, can you let me go so I can call the principal?" I asked her.

"Fine..." Erica sighed, releasing me from her hold.

Flipping out my phone, I dialed Principal's number and moved the phone up to my ear as she answered the call.

"Is everything alright?" I heard her worriedly ask.

"Yes, everything is fine. However we were attacked by some Children of Lupercio. We defeated them, and don't have any injuries except for a couple bruises." I explained.

The line was silent.

"...Principal?" I slowly asked.

"I'm coming." She stated.

"What?" I replied, confused.

"I'm coming there right now. This paperwork can wait. Sit still." She ordered.

"Okay." I sweatdropped. "Uh, there's more."

"What?" She asked.

"So, remember that blue-haired scythe wielder?" I wondered.

"Of course I do. She was even stronger than Bianca. Wait, don't tell me-" She gasped.

"Yeah, she was there. But, I...well, somehow I ended up freeing her." I explained. "Apparently she was being forced by this collar that I short-circuited."

"...You think she was forced?" Principal slowly asked.

"Maybe. I'm not naive enough to suddenly trust her, but I think there is a possibility." I stated.

"That's...worrying." Principal stated. "If they have a way to force people, this group is going to be tougher than I expected. We don't even know what their goal is..."

"Wait! That's it!" She suddenly shouted as she reached an epiphany. "Of course, why didn't I think of that! Try interrogating her. Not in a bad way, but just ask her if she'll tell you about the Children of Lupercio."

"You really think she'd give us info?" I asked.

"It would be too suspicious for her not to." Principal replied. "She'll have to give us info if she wants us to think she's being forced. And if she is being forced, then she should still give us info. It's a win-win."

"Fair point." I replied. "I'll try it then."

"Good." I heard Principal respond. "I'll be there in a couple hours, and I'll judge the girl myself when I arrive."

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