Don't touch him.

I saw his adam apple moves then he added, "well, maybe it's not today, isn't it? Too soon.." He said, sounds more like convincing himself.

Is it now or never? I'm battling with myself.

Just before I could be more overthinking than I was, I leaned in to give quick peck on Dean's cheek.

He stayed still, probably feel shocked because my sudden stupid movement. And that's my only chance to get off from his car and ran away as soon as I can.

Just then when I successfully made my way back to my room, he sent me a message :

I'm not going to wash my face.


Next morning at the lobby hotel...

I almost choked when the black SUV's window rolled down, presenting Dean's face. He was on the front passenger seat while his mom, Lilia on the driver seat. His hair was quite messy, probably because he woke up late and didn't have much time to get ready.

Dean looked exactly confused as I am.

Today's plan is going to get breakfast with Dean's mom and shopping as I promised her before I go back to Incheon tomorrow. Last night, she called me to arrange the plan and I didn't have any reason to turn off her offer, that's why I said yes. She didn't mention anything about Dean and I know Dean supposed to fly back to Busan this morning.

"Hi, Charlie.. come in!" Lilia, Dean's mom smiling brightly while gestured me to get in the car.

What do I get myself into?

Dean was no longer confused, he quickly get off the car and letting me to take his seat. He looked ridiculously great in the morning with his navy shirt, rolled up neatly until his elbow, tucked in beige corduroy pants and paired with dark brown docmart. This was my first time seeing him in formal clothes and I'm not gonna lying he looks good in everything.

"Good morning, Charlie.." his sweet smile greeted me before he carefully closed the car's door then peacefully took the middle seat.

"Sorry, I think it's more efficient that I'm picking Charlie up and then drop this guy to the airport." She announced her plan, then looking at me, "you don't mind, do you Charlie?"

"I don't mind, I swear." Dean replied confidently instead of me, I could see his toothy smile from the mirror rear view and I tried my best to ignore him and his stupid grin. He wasn't supposed to be here, not even in today's plan after what I did to him yesterday.

I feel my cheeks getting hotter.

"You're the best, mom." He added, still grinning.

"Said the ungrateful son who complained why do his mom have to drop him off to the airport like a 10 years old." Dean's mom rolled her eyes and start to drive.

I did my best to not stifle a laugh.

"Ignore him, Charlie. He wouldn't be here any longer." she added, gaining a betrayed look from Dean's.

"Geez, mom. I'm sorry, okay?"


Finally we arrived at the airport safely. Dean casually dragged his luggage with his left hand while his right hand wrapped around his mom's shoulder, I was right beside Lilia.

I could conclude from their interaction that Dean and his mom are so close to each other, he's sweet and gentle to his mom but yet mischievous like a kid.

He playfully poke my shoulder whenever he had chance while his hand still placed and his mom's shoulder.

"Don't come back too soon, me and your dad will visit you whenever we want to." Lilia warned, she sounds serious but it's actually their internal joke.

Dean shook his head, "Like you would, I know you can't wait to get rid of me."

"Don't make any trouble." His mom playfully patting his cheek, this mom and the son were really adorable.

"I'll miss you, mom." Dean gave her big bear hug and both of them stayed in each other embrace.

"Take care, baby." Lilia finally loosened her embrace.

"I need to go now." Dean smiled then his eyes meet mine.

I was standing there awkward while he took steps closer to me and said, "I'll see you soon.."

He ruffled my hair before planted a soft kiss on my head. Leaving me freeze on my spot, then he gave his mom thumb up before disappear into departure gate.

When I looked at Dean's mom reaction, Lilia was already looking at me with her big smile.

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