She looked up as lights flashed and saw a guard walk into the corridor, looking at her. He took his mask off; it was her uncle.

Y/N put her katana on her back and ran to him, hugging the man, "I thought you were dead," she sighed and held him close.

"I had to go radio silent; they were getting suspicious," he sighed and looked down at her. "You've got a little something there," he smirked.

"Yea, I know," she smiled up at him, "can I call you by your real name Mr. D?"

"Yes, miss Nakoa," he smirked.

"Well, uncle Leon, let's get the hell out of here."

"Couldn't agree more," he nodded but pulled her into a corner office when more guards ran through the corridor and shot at them.

"I need to get to the lab and make a serum with my blood; I won't have proper supplies anywhere else," Y/N said as she looked around.

"No, you have to save your friends asses, without you they won't survive; you know more about the city."

"But I need to save Newt-"

Leon looked around and grabbed a small medical kit, "I'll take the blood sample and make the serum to save him. Then I'll meet you outside, keep your communicator on, I can get you're location, since ours are the only ones connected." She nodded as he took her blood sample and ran through a door connecting to another office, leaving her.

Y/N looked out the window and saw three figures fly through the air and land in a small body of water; she saw it was her friends and then saw they were going to get surrounded by the guards that made their way to them. She placed one of the small bombs on the glass and got as far away as possible, then hid behind a metal cabinet as it blew up, all the glass shattering.

She stood and ran, jumping and grabbing the giant flag on the tall pole, swinging around as it came down. She flipped off and landed in her pose, the black widow pose. She learned that from a clip of a fighter in a training session when she was young; ever since then, she made the pose her own.

Y/N looked up through some of her hair as all eyes were on her; she grabbed her katana and killed a guard by stabbing him, then the next with one swing. She ducked under an attack, and crane kicked the guard out, then dove in front of another guard as the others shot him since she was behind him. She spun and killed another as one of the guards shot the rest; when this guard took off his mask, it revealed, "Gally, you couldn't have done that a little earlier?"

"No, you were in your element," he chuckled. The girl rolled her eyes and put her katana on her back; Gally then looked at the boys, "you guys are nuts."


"I'll explain later," Thomas patted Minho's chest as he caught his breath.


She looked up when her name was called; it was Minho, it was really him. She walked towards him, not truly believing her eyes, "Min?" She smiled and ran to him as he ran to her, picking her up, his arms wrapped around her body.

Minho held her flush against him as right as he could. After what felt like forever, he pulled back, placing her back on the ground but not letting go of her, "Is this real?"

"Yea, Min," she smiled up at him, her hands on his shoulders than on his collar, pulling him down and kissing him. Minho's eyes went wide but closed as he melted into the deep and the long-overdue kiss.

They pulled away when Gally coughed, they also saw Thomas trying not to laugh and Newt shaking his head with a smile, "okay, okay, shanks, I haven't been with my girl in a few months."

"Six months," Y/N corrected as she smoothed down his shirt.

"Six?" He looked down at his girl, "well, shit."

"Don't worry, we'll be doing a lot of that and more once we get the hell out of here," she winked and looked at the other boys, "let's go."

They all ran through the city in the shadows, following Y/N; when she hid behind some half cement walls, the boys followed suit. "Well, they're definitely pissed," Gally noted as they heard sirens all over the city.

Y/N took off her jacket, giving it to Minho, "you'll need this."

"You kept it?"

"Found it the next morning and kept it with me, I've been wearing it ever since," she smiled as he smiled back, putting the dark navy almost black jacket on.

"How far are the tunnels?" Thomas asked.

"Uh, maybe 12 blocks from here?"

They all looked at Newt as he coughed; he looked even weaker than before.

"We can make it," Gally looked at them.

"No, we can't," Y/N huffed. She knelt beside the boy, making him look at her as she examined him, then looked down at the communicator on her forearm, "hurry up," she grumbled as she tapped a few buttons.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Minho knelt in front of his friend.

"Uh," Newt grumbled, opening his jacket, "terrible," he looked up at Minho, "it's good to see you, though."

Minho smiled at his friend, then went over to Newt and Gally, "hey, how long has he been like this?"

"He'll be okay; we just gotta get to Brenda," Thomas nodded, taking off his jacket, "she's got the serum. Come on, let's go," he stood, going over to Newt.

"Woah, woah," Y/N stood, grabbing a wobbly Newt with Thomas.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," Newt sighed.

Minho turned to Gally, "Why are you helping us? My girl put her katana through your chest."

"Well, as I said to her before, nobody's perfect man," Gally shrugged and patted Minho's shoulder.

"He's on his way," Y/N smiled as she looked at the map on her communicator.

"Who is?" Minho stood.

"It's my uncle; I gave him some of my blood to make a serum."

"Y/N, we don't have time to meet him somewhere," Thomas looked at her.

"He's on his way over here; he's going to meet us on our way to the tunnels." Y/N looked at the boys, "he can't wait to see Brenda..." She shook her head, "he needs it now, and my blood will be a cure, not a see how long it will last cure," she sassed. "Now follow me ya little-"

"How I've missed your dirty mouth," Minho smirked.

Y/N rolled had eyes as Minho and Thomas helped Newt walk, Gally and her running ahead, making sure the path was clear.

They stopped when the wall went up in a giant explosion, "we're supposed to take down WICKED, not the whole damn city," Gally said.

"Fine with me, this place is a hell hole," Y/N turned and continued as the boys followed.

They travelled through the city, but all squshed behind a cement wall, right beside the main road, WICKED guards and cars all parked on one end, guns ready.

"Damn it," Gally sighed.

"What are they waiting for?" Minho asked as Y/N knelt down in front of the boys. She fell forward a bit when an explosion went off behind her, "shit, probably that."

They saw Lawrence men all running, some with cars, as both teams shot at each other. It was full-on war.

"We gotta go, we gotta go!" Gally yelled, running behind the group.

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