30 | Teresa

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Team by Lorde

"We live in cities, you'll never see on screen, are very pretty, but we sure know how to run things

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"We live in cities, you'll never see on screen, are very pretty, but we sure know how to run things."


Teresa walked through the busy WICKED streets as she thought about the work she was doing for WICKED. How Minho attacked her and yelled, we trusted you, how his blood wasn't the cure and didn't save that young girl. Was it really worth it? Is there a cure? The only one that could really cure was Y/N's blood, but Brenda was probably getting multiple doses if she was still alive.

Teresa looked across the busy street and saw her; it was Y/N. Her hair was down necklace on and rosy cheeks on show. She wore her combat boots, tight beige cargo pants, black tank top, green long-sleeved shirt and Minho's back Jacket.

Y/N met her old friend's eyes, but when a bus passed, Y/N turned around, walking away.

Teresa pushed through the crowd to follow her, getting lost, but finding her again, "Y/N?" She yelled and saw her look back, but when she followed the girl outside, Y/N was gone.

Y/N saw Teresa look around then turn to look at her, "hey, Teresa."

"You shouldn't be here," she shook her head, "if Janson finds out you're here."

"Good thing, I'm not staying," Y/N cut her off,  walking towards her old friend. Y/N had such mixed emotions in her head, sadness, loss and anger. Y/N met Teresa's gaze, "I need to know, do you regret it? Hurting us? Taking away Minho?"

"Sometimes," she said, tears in her eyes, "but I did what I thought was right... I'd do it again."

Once she said that Y/N got her answer. She took a few steps back, shaking her head, finally looking up at her, "good."

When Y/N and the others brought Teresa back to an old Church, they sat her down and removed the hood over her head, making her gasp. Teresa looked at all her old friends, "Gally?"

"Here's how this is gonna go," Gally spoke up. "We're gonna ask you some questions, and you're gonna tell us exactly what we need to know. We'll start off simple," he said, grabbing a chair, sitting in front of her, "where's Minho?"

"You guys don't seriously think-" Teresa looked at Thomas quickly but knew that bridge was burnt. So, she looked at Y/N, knowing that promise would take a toll on her.

"Don't look at her; why are you looking at her? Look at me," Gally looked at Teresa, "she's not going to help you. Now, we know you have Minho in the building." Teresa looked back at Y/N then at Gally, "where?"

"He's with the others in holding, sublevel three."

Newt looked at the girl, "how many others?"

"28," Teresa looked down.

"I can make that work," Brenda nodded.

"No, no, you guys don't understand. The whole level is restricted; you can't get in without a thumbprint ID."

"That's why you're going to come with us, sunshine," Y/N looked at the girl from her standing position off to the side. Arms crossed as all eyes were on her.

"Well, I don't know; we don't necessarily need her," Gally shrugged. "Right? Not all of her," he grabbed a knife, "we just need her finger." Y/N moved in front of him, hand on his chest, stopping him. "What are you squeamish?"

"It won't make a difference, do whatever you want to me." Teresa looked up at Y/N, "you still won't get through the front door; the senors pick you up the second-"

"You can't guarantee she's done worse to Minho," Gally looked at Y/N, holding the knife up.

"That's enough," she took the knife away, throwing it dead center into one of the old paintings, without even looking. "Even if she has, I'm not going down to her level," Y/N then looked at Teresa, "and I know we're tagged." She looked back at Gally, "I need her alive and in one piece for my plan," Y/N smirked.

After all the Galders got ther tags out of the back fo their neck, Y/N sat in the chair, her back facing Teresa. "This is going to sting."

"Nothing I haven't felt before," she huffed, "let's just get it over with," Y/N sat there as Teresa worked on taking out the tag.

"She's looking good, healthy," Teresa looked over at Brenda, "how've you been getting her serum?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Brenda, I didn't think she'd still be alive. When was her last treatment?"

"At the Right Arm, last time I saw you..."

"But that was months ago?" Teresa pulled the chip out of her neck harshly.

"Shit," she held the back fo her neck, looking back at Teresa, "aren't you supposed to be a doctor? Don't doctors have steady hands?"

"Y/N, that's not possible. She should have turned by now; there's no way she could possibly still-"

Y/N stood from her chair, "that's enough."

"You don't believe me?" Teresa stood.

Y/N looked back at her, "do you expect me to? After everything you've done to my friends, my family, you took Minho away," she whispered the last part, even though she knew everyone was listening, "you made your choice, Teresa; now you have to live by it for once in your life."

Teresa looked down as Gally took her away, she slowly put the cloth that had Y/N's blood on it in her pocket as Y/N walked the opposite way, getting away from her. When Y/N walked to the table with all the weapons, she cleaned her knives putting them in her thigh holster, gun on her right thigh. Extra ammo in her pockets.

Brenda was loading her gun, "just be careful."

"I'm always careful," Y/N smirked.

"Not about that... You sorta have this problem where you can't walk away from people." Brenda met her sister's gaze, "even when you should... You can't save everyone, Y/N."

"I can, Bren, I can if I give it my all," she nodded.

"Well, Jorge and I brought a little gift that will help with you," Brenda smirked, "when we came to save your asses, we brought your bike. We tied it to the roof and brought it down; Jorge went to grab it off the truck and brought it here, have fun," she winked.

"Now, this is going to be exciting," she smirked.

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