"That was awesome!" He said pumped up. Aang was jumping up and down with stars in his eyes. "You did amazing!" He cheered. This was honestly some of the most fun Aang has had in a long while. "Okay what's the next thing?" Morro asks. Aang thinks for a moment. "Well most of the air bending stuff you've done is stuff you already know and have accomplished. Still need to work on the air scooter, but what about gliding?" Aang asks. "Yeah I saw pictures of stuff like this," Morro pulls out a stick. He presses a small button and a large glider made it's appearance only instead it was painted a dark green with white stripes resembling air.

"I put some personality into it," Morro said proudly. "Okay so it's really easy once your in the air, you just got to lean one way or the other and lean down to land. It's the landing and take off that are really tricky," Aang explains. Morro nodded along listening attentively.

"Here like this," Aang got out his glider and took off. Morro watches him before he tried the same. He got a few feet off of the ground before he fell again. Aang circles above him. "Try again you'll get it!" Aang yells down. Morro tries again and this time he got further off the ground for longer, but he still needed awhile before he could do anything spectacular like Aang.

"Hey Aang!" The avatar landed in front of Katara who was holding a scroll. "This kid apparently belongs to the governor and he wants us to make a trade, his son for Bumi," Aang's eyes widened and he stated that they had to go.

"Hey wait this could be a trap," Morro said. "Not to mention I'd rather avoid that knife throwing girl," Sokka added. "But we can't just keep the kid. We were going to give him back anyway may as well get something out of it," Nya added. "Nya's right, if anything having a couple of fire benders ourselves will give us," Katara began.

"Actually we shall be off now," Iroh's voice cut her off as he packed up his things. "Your leaving?! Now?" Morro asks him and he nodded. "I shall be heading to Ba Sing Se, hopefully my dream of owning my own teashop in the city shall not fail like all my other hopes and dreams. And I shall be needing Kai's company," Iroh said and Nya looks to Kai.

"Your really going to leave with him? To open up some tea shop?" Nya asks him and he nodded. "Listen Nya you know I would never pass up a good fight, but if he's caught up by any battalion fire or earth nation they'll kill him. I need to stick around with the guy and keep him safe; besides when we get to the city I'll give some info to the king, maybe Cole's in the city," Kai explains.

Nya frowns, but gives her brother a big hug. "Just please stay safe," she said. "I will I promise," He agrees. "Ugh I hate sappy stuff," Morro rolls his eyes ruining the moment.

Inside Omashu

"The palanquin seems dramatic don't you think?" Zuko asks Azula besides him.

"It's too show power Zuzu," Azula said as they neared their destination. "Honestly it seems less like a hassle just to walk," Zuko said. "They're walking," Azula points to the carriers outside who looked like they were about to collapse in exhaustion.

Zuko shrugs conceding knowing his small talk would go nowhere.

They stopped outside their final destination and the curtains were pulled aside for them. Azula stepped out first with Ty-lee right next to her while Zuko hung back a little.

Mai was there waiting for them and bowed to Azula boredly asking. "Please tell me your here to kill me?" She looks at her and gives a rare smile and laugh. "It's good to see you Mai," Azula said with genuine warmth and Ty-lee hugs her friend exchanging pleasantries.

"Hello Mai," Zuko said awkwardly. Mai looks at Zuko up and down and gives him a dry hello like she always does. "I heard you got kidnapped by the avatar?" She said. "I escaped during the failed siege of the North," Zuko answers shortly. "How?" Mai asks with a raised eyebrow.

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