36 - Tears

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Jungkook's blood ran cold as he stared at the aged face of the woman he loved since birth. He never thought she would have survived the fire. But she did. She escaped. And yet, she let him believe she died.

Jimin was confused as he noticed the tension in the room increase.

"Mrs. Jeon, these are our models for our company. Park Jimin and-"

"Jeon Jungkook," the woman added on her own.

Jungkook felt rage bubble through him as he dropped Jimin's hand. He just stared at the woman before he felt his tears prick his eyes. It was her. Her voice. He could never forget that voice. The voice that told him stories and sang to him every night before bed. She looked exactly the same.

The crew watched them with confused eyes, but none more concerned than Park Jimin himself. He knew something was wrong. He could see it.

"It's lovely to meet you all. If I could just see Mr. Jeon alone, please?" the woman asked, causing Jungkook to tense up. The crew nodded and left, everyone going back upstairs to their rooms or to get ready for the day. Jimin was about to leave too, but Jungkook grabbed him by his wrist gently and made him stay. The air was thick once only the three of them stayed in the room.

"J-Jungkook, do you remember-"

"I remember you," Jungkook said flatly, trying to show no emotion as he stared at her blankly, but his eyes showed tears forming.

His biological mother began to tear up as she cupped her mouth with one hand to silence herself. She left Seoul for a reason. She left behind her seven year old son who she loved dearly, for a reason. She never expected to see him here, now. She saw him on social media. She saw how he began to model for Satin Love. God, she was so proud of him. He was so handsome and although he looked like his dad, he had her eyes and she saw it, even now. He looked so grown up that she became emotional.

"You... You're all grown up now," she whispered as she stepped closer, but Jungkook held Jimin's hand and stepped back as he created a distance.

"Of course it'll come as a surprise to you since you couldn't witness me actually grow up," Jungkook said emotionlessly as he glared at her. He was furious. He loved her so much. He spoke so highly of her and now it was all a lie. She was alive this entire time? What kind of trickery is this?

"Jungkook, I-"

"Save it... I can't do this right now," Jungkook said as he tried to turn around but her voice stopped the couple in their tracks.

"Are you two...together?" she asked. She could see it. Everybody could. Jimin and Jungkook weren't discreet about anything.

Jungkook turned around and dropped Jimin's hand as he walked towards his mother and looked her right in the eyes.

"Yes. Yes, we are. I'm finally happy for the first time but now all the progress I made has been wasted. My entire life was a lie," Jungkook said to her. Who could blame him for being angry?

"Baby, listen to me, I'll explain-"

"Don't. Don't call me that. I'm not your son," Jungkook seethed as he stared at her. He actually towered over her and it was intimidating.

"But you're my son. My blood," she said as a tear rolled down her cheek. She never thought that seeing Jungkook in real life would hurt so much.

"Stop it! Stop treating this as if it isn't a life changing revelation. I thought you were dead this entire time! Do you know what that did to me?" Jungkook finally began to cry as he clutched at his hair, feeling too overwhelmed. If things went any further, he might have a panic attack.

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