27 - Something New

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Jimin buried his head into Jungkook's neck, the scent of sex lingering in the air as cum continued to drip down Jungkook's entrance and onto the bed.

The younger was laying on his belly still, his heart raging as he panted heavily, his legs feeling tired already. Jimin was on his back, staring up at the ceiling as he also breathed in and out deeply.

After a few beats of time had passed, the older turned to his side and faced his boyfriend, his arm flinging over to drape across his lover's lower back. Jungkook just hummed at that, feeling too exhausted to even speak.

"Baby~" Jimin cooed as he moved in closer, snuggling his body into Jungkook as the younger finally gained some energy to turn around and face his older boyfriend.

"I love you so much. I don't think you understand," Jungkook whispered as he moved in, his arms finding their way around Jimin's waist. Jungkook held Jimin in his arms, but Jimin provided the security as he held Jungkook to his slightly sweaty chest, the two men trying to catch their breaths while they lay in each other's arms.

"Why wouldn't I understand? I love you too. Where is this coming from? Do you want to tell me something?" Jimin asked as he played with Jungkook's hair, the younger laying his head on Jimin's chest.

"I just feel scared, Jimin..." Jungkook mumbled, slightly embarrassed and anxious as he held Jimin's slim waist.

"Scared of?" Jimin asked as he continued to gently comb Jungkook's raven hair with his fingers.

"I don't want to lose you..." Jungkook whispered, closing his eyes as he held back his emotions, holding tightly onto Jimin as if scared to let go.

"Oh, baby... I... Talk to me. Let me listen. I'm a trained therapist and as your boyfriend, I want to help you. Tell me what's on your mind, my pretty," Jimin pushed him further while he held him in his arms lovingly.

"I just always feel somehow, that you're with me out of pity..." Jungkook muttered, feeling ashamed slightly of his own silly feelings. Jimin didn't even speak. He wanted Jungkook to clear his mind first. He wanted to listen to his boyfriend's troubles.

"I've never had someone take an interest in me, and now someone as great as you wants me. I keep feeling as though one day you're going to get tired of me and leave. No one has ever stayed before... And it hurts because I've never loved someone as much as I do love you.

"The only people who loved me were my parents before they passed away. I don't want to lose you and that's a thought that kills me each day. That's why I had to get these tattoos dedicated to you. After all that we've done...I'm afraid to admit how much I love you because my anxiety tells me that you're going to leave," Jungkook explained his entire mentality to his lover,  hoping Jimin could just take his anxiety away but he knew that was something that he had to work on, on his own.

After a moment, Jimin just sighed but it wasn't a frustrated sigh. It was more like a calm sigh.

"Baby... Jungkook. I just want to love you. It's hard for me to even think of leaving you. I know it's hard to believe me but I've been attracted to you ever since I laid my eyes on you in that coffee shop. I'm trying so hard to make you feel loved and it hurts me when I realize that you still doubt my feelings for you. I've done nothing but love you right this entire time, and I really want you to not doubt us, okay? I'm not your parents, nor am I like anyone else you've met. I'll never leave you unless you break my trust, my heart or betray me," Jimin said in a soft tone, trying to be gentle with his words so that he wouldn't hurt his fragile lover.

"I love you. Everything about you. You make it so easy for me to love you unconditionally.  You haven't done anything to make me fall out of love. I know you're doubting yourself, but you need to stop. You're my baby. I want to protect you and keep you happy always. Until you see me physically changing my love towards you, you shouldn't doubt it," Jimin added on, hoping to get through to his lover.

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