19 - I Like You

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Jungkook's eyes widened, his heart beating out of his chest at the question that he couldn't possibly answer. Not right now. His mind just buffered, and he didn't know what to do. However, his silence and his guilty face said it all.

Jungkook woke up from his seat on Jimin's bed and began pacing around the room now, his heart palpitations making it hard to think. Jimin just sat there with a smirk as he leaned back on his arms and watched Jungkook with a curious expression. 

"I- I have no idea what you're talking about, Jimin. You're crazy if you think you can accuse me without evidence," Jungkook suddenly said which made Jimin raise an eyebrow in a questioning manner.

"Accuse you? Evidence? What do you think I'm gonna do? Report you to the police?" Jimin asked as he stood up and watched Jungkook pacing.

"You can't report me, Jimin! You have no proof-"

"Woah, woah... Kookie, chill," Jimin said in a gentle tone as he approached Jungkook, eyes wary as he reached out to stop the younger from frantically pacing around the room. Jimin held Jungkook by his biceps and turned him around so that they were face to face.

"I didn't say I was going to report you.  What are you going on about, hmm?" Jimin cooed as he gently massaged Jungkook's biceps, making the younger calm down and stop panicking.

"I- The others... I..." Jungkook said as he began to panic, and Jimin had no idea what the raven haired meant by that statement but he could easily tell that Jungkook was beginning to get worked up.

"No, Jungkook, look at me. I'm not gonna report you, okay? Breathe for me," Jimin  said in a sweet and kind tone, making the younger direct his gaze directly onto Jimin's eyes.

"I just wanted to tell you that I feel the same for you, too. I called you here so I could confess," Jimin said as he led Jungkook back to the bed, making him take a seat on the soft bed. The two men took a seat on the edge of the bed as Jimin touched Jungkook gently, his hands moving to rest over Jungkook's shoulders.

"You wanted to confess...?" Jungkook asked, making Jimin nod with a happy smile.

"I really like you, Jungkook. It may even be more than that but I want you," Jimin said with a bright and reassuring smile. 

"You like me too? I didn't know... I feel so overwhelmed right now," Jungkook nibbled on his bottom lip, making Jimin's gaze flicker down to Jungkook's tempting lips.

"Don't be... I felt like it was the right time to ask you about the stalking...since I knew for a while," Jimin said, a little nervously as he rubbed Jungkook's shoulders.

"I feel so stupid, Jimin. Please understand, I wasn't trying to harm you at all. I just...It's a toxic habit and I can't stop even if I wanted to... How did you figure it out?" Jungkook asked as he turned his gaze away, looking out the window as he tried to hide his embarrassed blush.

"It was the day I had a meeting with Satin Love and you showed up at my apartment. I know I didn't give you my address, Jungkook... And I knew you were watching me... I felt it. Not to mention how the situation at the park the other day just sealed the deal for me when you showed up out of nowhere. Not exactly skilled in the stalking department, are you?" Jimin teased, making Jungkook frown.

"I... I usually don't make mistakes..."

"Usually? You've done this before?" Jimin questioned as he ran a hand up to cup the side of Jungkook's neck, keeping him relaxed as he watched Jungkook's body language carefully.

"A few times..." Jungkook mumbled as he stared out the window but felt his heart betray him as he felt Jimin's soft hand at his neck.

"What were those experiences like?" Jimin asked in a kind voice. Jungkook nearly forgot that Jimin was a trained psychologist whose degree was just sitting somewhere collecting dust.

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