23 - Nightingale

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That night, Jimin cooked dinner for the both of them, and took care of Jungkook as much as he could. The younger felt the pain in his lower region slightly, but it would only make its full presence the next morning. 

After the quiet but comfortable dinner, the new couple went to the bedroom and Jimin cleaned up, allowing Jungkook to wear his hoodie that he wore when he arrived at Jimin's.

The younger was able to wear just his hoodie and underwear because his jeans would be uncomfortable. Jimin didn't mind at all; they were dating after all, and they just slept together so it wasn't a new discovery.

Jimin wore his sweatpants again and cleaned up after them, discarding the used and cum stained tissues in the waste bin. After he blew the candles out, he turned the bedroom lights on and left the curtains opened. He usually slept with his curtains opened because he knew about the fact that Jungkook told him earlier; about how it's healthier.

When Jimin accomplished everything, he ran towards his bed, falling down next to Jungkook and snuggling up into his side. Jimin was a very touchy and loving boyfriend, and although he hasn't been in a relationship ever since high school, he still possessed the same soft and sweet qualities. He was way too gentle and giving as a lover, and Jungkook would definitely see that in the future.

Jimin wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist and pulled himself closer so that his head rested on Jungkook's clothed chest. The younger of the two allowed Jimin into his arms, opening his right arm and holding Jimin against his side as his hand went to grip Jimin's bare waist since the older was shirtless.

Jimin's pink hair tickled Jungkook's chin lightly as the raven haired pressed the tip of his chin against Jimin's hair.  Jungkook didn't know what it was but something always made him feel safe with Jimin, and that Jimin's touch was good. He knew it in his heart. Jimin just always reminded the younger of his late mother and that's why Jungkook fell for him at first glance.

Jimin laid his right palm on Jungkook's belly, holding his new lover closely as they breathed in sync.

"I've been meaning to ask you something. Why did you choose an apartment on the second floor? You could've had an entire penthouse to yourself, and it would've been harder for me to...stalk...you if you were there," Jungkook said as he rubbed Jimin's waist with his thumb.

"I... I'm actually afraid of heights. I could never live up there. I prefer being closer to the ground," Jimin said as he closed his eyes, embracing the younger as they laid on the warm bed. Jimin snuck his right hand that was previously laying on Jungkook's belly down to Jungkook's hem of the hoodie, before he crept his hand underneath the hoodie to lay his hand on Jungkook's adorable belly.

"So you take being down to earth quite literally," Jungkook chuckled as he tightened his grip on Jimin's waist. The older felt Jungkook's laugh beneath him, with his head being on Jungkook's chest and the rumble echoing in Jimin's ear. The older smiled to that, enjoying Jungkook's cute laugh and the butterflies that haunted his lower belly.

"You could say that," Jimin said as he smiled. After the younger stopped laughing, he spoke again.

"Jimin, I want to know; why did you fall for me?" Jungkook asked, making Jimin look up at him as he began to trace circles on Jungkook's lower belly. The younger felt a tingle run down his spine at that, but kept the blush to a minimum.

"I... How do I answer that? I fell for you because... Just look at you. You're perfect, Jungkook. You have the kindest personality, and you don't like using people. You're so shy and you get flustered easily. You have the cutest smile and the prettiest eyes. I don't think I could've not fallen for you when I enjoyed spending so much time with you. You just have this innocence that I love," Jimin explained as he looked at Jungkook. The younger's eyes softened at that, before he nibbled on his bottom lip gently in thought. He hadn't heard compliments in years, and whenever he heard them recently, it was all from Jimin. 

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