~20~ I Want You

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Once Jungkook was one hundred percent sure he was ready, he plugged the hairdryer in the bathroom socket near the mirror and dried his hair roughly, enough to make sure no water wet Jimin's bed, or Jimin himself. It was all crazy. They haven't even kissed yet and somehow, they were jumping bases.

Jungkook tried not to dwell on it too much, though. He knew Jimin wanted him for a reason, and while he had no idea what that reason was, he wanted Jimin too. Jungkook had no idea just how beautiful he was and it showed. Jimin, however, saw things in him that Jungkook didn't.  Apparently, Jimin also saw himself inside Jungkook too, literally speaking, since he was so ready to go the extra step with him.

When Jungkook was done making sure his body was as smooth as a baby's bottom, he noticed a satin robe, probably from Satin Love, that was pink in color and waiting for him beside the basin next to where the towels were. He simply wore it, tying the robe around his petite waist and fixing his hair.

He stared at his appearance in the mirror and felt so insecure. Sure, he had a pretty face, but his torso was filled with scars. The younger's eyes crawled from his hair down to his ears that housed a few piercings, to his lips that had one full bottom lip and one thin top lip which he usually hated, his neck and collarbone too, before his eyes stopped at his figure that was tented by the robe.

He saw nothing special and it felt hurtful to him. How could Jimin even want him?  Jungkook had no idea what Jimin saw in him but he shrugged it off for now. He wanted to feel this. He was curious now, to see what sex would be like. He just wanted this badly.

With the last bit of his brain barely working, Jungkook exited the bathroom only to be met with darkness around him. He could've sworn that the living room and hallway lights were on.

He walked towards Jimin's bedroom, that seemed to glow in the darkness of the apartment, now making Jungkook curious.

"Uh... Jimin?" Jungkook gently called out as he approached the room, but when he entered, he met with Jimin who was seated on the bed, against the headboard as he waited patiently for Jungkook. Jimin still wore his sweatpants but now,  he was shirtless again, after discarding the shirt he wore before Jungkook could arrive.

The room was glowing because of a few scented candles that the older still had from Jungkook's therapy sessions. The room smelled like vanilla too, just like Jungkook.  The younger was in awe as he scanned the room that now looked so romantic. 

Jimin was lost as he stared at Jungkook dressed in a satin robe. He looked so pretty under the candlelight and Jimin just couldn't wrap his head around it. Everything Jungkook did left Jimin whipped.

The older got off the bed quite elegantly as he walked over to Jungkook, the younger now turned to look at Jimin who was shirtless. The younger was nervous as his mouth suddenly became dry. He stared at Jimin's pretty upper body, in a trance as Jimin stopped at his feet.

The older man brought his hands to Jungkook's waist, gripping him over the satin and looking up into Jungkook's pretty brown eyes.

"Did you plan this before I arrived?" Jungkook asked softly, voicing the question he has been asking himself for a while.

"Yes... I was hoping you felt the same way about me so I kind of...wanted to make us official," Jimin spoke with a loving gaze as he stared up into Jungkook's eyes. Now, it was just the two of them in the darkened room; the only source of light coming from five candles that were methodically placed around the room.

"Official?" Jungkook tilted his head cutely as he looked down at Jimin. 

"You and I... I want us to be a couple," Jimin smiled, making Jungkook's heart somersault.

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