Vlog #46 | Y/n in hot seat

Start from the beginning

"She loves squeezing my lips" i added wiggling my brows playfully

" They're just so plump and soft uhhhhh' Scarlett responded throwing her head back

"Scarlett calm down stop simping" she says to her self making me chuckle

The worlds end next week, you can do anything you want even if it's illegal. What would you do

"Fuck Scarlett Ingrid Johansson in public" i responded with a deep serious voice

"Oh lor---"


What's the first thing you would do if you woke up one day as the opposite sex

"Take a pick then proceed in fucking Scarlett Ingrid Johansson in public"

" I should've not asked" Scarlett says hiding her face while shaking her head and I'm just smiling innocently


Where is the naughtiest place you've done it

"With you?" I asked

"With anyone"

"Uh in concert....did it with the artist" i responded putting my lips together trying my hardest to stop smiling

What's your biggest turn on?

"Your existence" i answered in less than a second

What are your favorite pet names for me?

" I call you a lot of nicknames like red, bubby, bubba, doll but my favorite is darling if that's considered as a pet name

"I love it when you call me darling specially when it's like deep and sound really passionate and romantic"

"Darling?" I asked exactly mimicking her explanation and she suddenly jump on me being romantically excitedly making us both fall on the seat


Is there something you wish you would change with me?

"No, even our past and those moments that we chose to like shattered each others heart and leave because of our pride..but i think those time are also the reason why our relationship became more matured and stronger so no I'm not gonna change anything"

Wildest thing you did to get my attention

"Excuse me? Base on my memory you're the one that did the wildest thing to get my attention" I responded and she crossed her Arms can't stop her smile

"Oh well, next question" she says shaking her head

Have you ever faked an orgasm?

"With you? No, i enjoy every second when it's you but to my past relationships? Maybe?" I responded playfully and she clicked her tongue satisfied before raising her hand for a high five

Name a thing you want but i don't

"Another baby, I want to adopt a baby boy but Scarlett says it's not the right time"

"Maybe when rose is like 7" Scarlett added and i nod satisfied

What is your body count?

" Uhhhhh probably between 15-20 mostly they're woman" i responded

" That's a lot" Scarlett says and i started laughing at her reaction

" Y'know exes plus fubus and friends with  benefits things and some actresses that ended up in a one night stand"

" Name one"

" No"

" Mkay"

" I'm just glad i didn't caught any disease from what i did" i said shaking my body disgust

What was the last thing you searched? Give me your phone

"Ohh shittt, Noooo it's embarrassing" i quickly responded but she extend her arm and get my phone

"Are kids dishwasher safe??!??!"

"Hmmm yeah, sorry"

" Why does my wife doesn't want me to buy a monkey..... most attractive dinosaur.....do we all see same colors......why do we eat if we just pooped it out...why am i not upsidedown if the earth is round....where can i buy thongs for my wife" she says reading everything out loud

" We need to get you off Google" she added shaking her head


Last, you're thoughts right now

" I wanna end this filming and see you wear the thong i bought" i responded and she gasp dramatically before throwing a pillow while her cheeks are glowing red

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