Chapter Thirty One

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I groan as I'm surrounded in pitch black and feel the harsh stings from the belt slapping on my back

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I groan as I'm surrounded in pitch black and feel the harsh stings from the belt slapping on my back.
I try to remember what and how I got here. The black bag on my head is pulled away and a bright light blinds my sight.
it slowly comes back.
I started shooting back with my gun when more men came closer to me. I started shooting them in the head.
I saw a group of men heading towards the store and I fire towards them trying to stop them from going in. I couldn't have them anywhere near Alara. While I try to head towards them someone attacks me from behind and the last thing I see is a bag put over my head.
I try to adjust to the light and see three men standing in front of me.
"what do you fuckers want" I seeth trying to escape out of the chair I'm tied on, One tall man with dark hair seems to be in his forties walks up to me circling me as the two younger ones standstill.

" Who's the girl" his dark scratchy voice fills my ears and I narrow my eyes.
"what girl" I move my head from his view, I swear to god I hope they don't have her.
" You know what girl I'm talking about, The hot sexy one" he brings his face closer to mine, and the anger in me makes me head butt him on the forehead.
"Mudak" he cruses rubbing his forehead
"bring in the bitch" he orders and on cue the doors open and my eyes shoot up to Alara.
Her eyes were wide and full of fear that I've never seen and didn't ever want to see.
"let go of me assholes" she grits hiding her fear and trying to escape from the man's grip.
"shut up suka" one of the men try to cover her mouth but she bits him and punches him in the face.
"call me a bitch one more time I dare you" Alara tries to run but they grip her by the neck holding her against the wall and a growl rips out from me.
"let her go" I growl
"who is she," the old man asks again
"let her go" I growl again making the man salp my face moving it to the other side
"who is she," He asks again
"let her go" I grit back up looking at him
he punches me in the face and two more men come up towards me slapping a belt on my bare back I grit my jaw holding back the screams. I look up to see Alara looking at me with a frown and her eyes wide with tears, she shakes her head and I smile trying to assure her I'm fine. They punch me again and I feel the blood trickle down my face.
"come on Alexander Blade we wouldn't like you to die" the man seethes
" I would love to see you try old man" I chuckle and the man losses his patients he stabs a blade by my shoulder and I close my eyes to bare the pain.
"Let him go you fuckers" I hear Alara grit
"then tell us who you are" The man stalks towards Alara and I shake my head trying to stop her
Alara stares back at him and he smirks pointing a gun towards my leg and shoots I close my eyes and keep in my pain. After all, I have been trained for this.

The man then holds my head back by my hair and grazes a knife on my neck.

"let him go vy, staryye ubogiye ublyudki" Alara shouts
{you old retarded fucker}

"oh look here she speaks Russian" the man chuckles swinging the knife in the air

I feel the burns and stings as they pour something over me. The man holds a lit lighter in front of me and Alaras eyes widen
"let him, let him go!" she yells trashing around the grip from the men
"ublyudok, otpusti yego! kakogo khrena ty khochesh" She yells and the men hold her tighter
{ fucker let him go! what the fuck do you want}
The man raises an eyebrow and closes the lighter
" Skazhite name, chto to pravda, chto vy svyazany s Dola" the man smiles and I shake my head
{tell us that it's true that you are related to Dola}

"Don't" I warn and she looks at me furrowing her eyebrows

"Does he mean something to you?" the man asks amusement feeling his eyes
Alara bites her lip and shakes her head. That hurt, but I know it has to be a lie

"then you won't mind seeing him burn" he turns the lighter on and walks around me
" net! net! ya tebe skazhu" Alara sighs and the men let her go
{no no don't I'll tell you}

Though I don't know what she said it doesn't feel right.
" Alara don't" I warn again and one of the men slap me

"come on tell us" the man holds Alara by her hair and I growl

"I used to work for him, that's all now let him go" Alara hits to the ground as he lets her go
"find something about an Alara," the man tells the others, and they all walkout

"I used to work for him, that's all now let him go" Alara hits to the ground as he lets her go"find something about an Alara," the man tells the others, and they all walkout

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I rush towards Alex as soon as the men walk out, Shit I never felt so useless. I rip a part of my dress and start rubbing the oil off him.

"they're going to find out" Alex looks down at the floor
"they're going to know you lied and then they're going to kill you once they find out who you are" he looks up at me his eyes red
"Alex stay still" I try to change the subject while getting the oil off his skin
" What If they kill you?" Alex doesn't seem to stay still as he tries to manage out his tied hands
"No one kills me Alex no one is able to" I look at him and turn behind him to untie his hands from the chair.

he gets up from the chair and winces and I look away I can't see him hurt especially because of me.
he comes up to me and cups my face.
"Are you okay?" He asks looking all over me
"your the one covered in gasoline," I say furrowing my eyebrows

"I'm sorry Alex it's my fault they did this to you because of me" I never apologize never and here I am saying 'sorry' to a man
"I would give up my life if it meant you get to keep yours" he smiles and presses a kiss to my lips
and I could feel myself still from shock.
Maybe I have fallen hard for this man.

Maybe I have fallen hard for this man

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