Epilogue Part Two

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"We're getting married!" Red squealed with delight, wiggling her ring finger adorned with a beautiful rock.

 Hera's mouth was hanging open as she turned on Theo. You knew! He raised his hands, pleading innocence with his eyes when she joined the hysterics.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy for you. Tell me everything right now. Jean! Why didn't you tell me? Ahhh!"

Jean was bright red, clearly embarrassed by all the attention.

"A toast?" Joseph raised a glass for the pair and everyone joined in. "Congratulations, Jean and Astred on your engagement."

Each person toasted their congratulations, and Hera was so excited for the two women. She was especially happy for Jean, who looked like she wanted to sink into the carpet and disappear.

"Hey, you found her. Now you get to keep her forever." Hera whispered into her friend's ear. Jean met her gaze with a brilliant smile. 

"Thank you." She whispered back. "For everything." They embraced, and it shocked both of them when tears spilt down their cheeks. On pulling back, both women exclaimed, "Why are you crying!" 

Jean laughed and wiped the tears away, still not used to sharing such emotion, while Hera just squeezed Jean's flushed face in her hands. "You will be a stunning bride."

"Too many compliments, Hera." Jean choked out.

"When's the wedding?" Joseph asked with a smile. He never imagined the children he trained would grow up so fast.

"In the summer!" Red sang out, bubbling with excitement. 

Hera's eyes widened in shock."That's four months away, you better get started planning!"

"Already halfway there." Red was so proud and excited it almost made Hera jealous. Excitement overrode everything else as they finished their celebratory dinner.

Four months later.

The gentle afternoon sun-blessed Jean and Red's wedding day. The four months prior had been insanely busy with planning and decision-making, but it only seemed to make the women closer than ever.

Red took over most of the organizing and Jean was happily along for the ride, pitching in whenever she was needed. An Evolved who had escaped from Azrail, Amara, was very quickly recruited to help with the preparations. She was able to 'jump' from any location and managed to bring back every item the fiancée's needed. 

While both were perfectly fine using unsavoury means, Hera asked that Amara use her money to purchase the items rather than steal. Luckily for them, Jackie had invested a lot of money. A lot. 

Enough for Hera to be comfortable for the rest of her life, truthfully.

The dresses were stunning. Jean chose a gorgeous two-piece pantsuit adorned with light lace around the bust. Red chose a tightly fitted mermaid flare dress and had the longest veil Hera had ever seen. They were smoking hot. They had decided on having the ceremony in the meadow near their settlement and everyone helped set up the seating, arch, and aisle. Zeke stood under the arch as officiant and waited for the brides.

Hera flitted between the two bridal tents to talk to each woman and she was quickly in tears seeing Jean. The soon-to-be bride was beaming. 

"How do you feel?" Hera asked her, desperately trying to catch all her traitorous tears with a tissue.

"Like I'm in a dream," Jean replied, wiping away tears of her own.  

A tall shadow passed the wall of the tent and a hand brushed on the tent's door. "May I come in?" It was Theo.

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