14. Suppression.

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When they reached the space, Hera was surprised to see Joel talking with the Director. Joseph. Her father. 

The file she saw must've been on him, not Mr Anders, as she had assumed. Theo released Hera's hand before the Director could see, and she shook it to rid herself of the tingling energy residue.

"What's going on here, sir?" Jean questioned, staring at Joel with a blank expression.

"This is Joel. Michael Anders' son." Joel held a barely contained fury behind his eyes. The Director continued. "He contacted one of our safe houses, but they thought he would do well here. Hera, I want you to train him, analyse his abilities in the Chamber, and debrief him on the plan if Panacea attacks."

Jean stared at Joel with a frown, slightly tapping her sharpened nails on her crossed arms. "I would be happy to take him on, Director. I don't see why you would want Hera to... She is still training herself." She kept her eyes trained on Joel, who now didn't break eye contact with the floor.

Joseph shook his head. "That won't be necessary, Jean. Hera will need to learn how to train newcomers, just like you did. Theo will supervise." He glanced around the group. "The fact that Joel and Hera know each other should make it easier."

Jean shook her head and sucked her teeth. "I don't like it," she muttered before walking back down the hallway.

Joel lifted his head, and his eyes locked on Hera's as the Director spoke again. "Keep me updated, Hera." Hera turned to walk away, feeling Joel and Theo's eyes on her back. "And Theo, I trust you remember our conversation earlier."

Theo's nod was terse as he followed behind Joel. He also didn't like the way Joel looked at Hera. Like a prize, he thought.


Hera felt a chill down her spine as she led Joel to the Chamber. She was curious about what he could do, so they decided the Chamber was first before training with anyone else. She looked back and locked eyes with Theo. 

I'll stay close, he spoke into her mind. She didn't know if she was ready for this responsibility yet. She had just learned control of her evolution herself. How could her father expect her to help someone else? 

"Well, this is the place." Hera gestured to the refurbished Chamber. "You just climb in, and I'll close the door, and you show us what you can do, I guess." Hera paused again, looking at Theo. We will go in there; he glanced at a room off to the right. 

"We will be in there," She repeated aloud for Joel. He climbed in without a word, and Hera locked the Chamber. 

Something feels off. Theo spoke in her mind again. They walked into the room, and Hera saw the Chamber was littered with cameras and an intercom system. She spotted Joel sitting in the middle of the room, deathly still. He looked peculiar. Hera felt a shiver down her spine, and her energy flickered in her palms. 

"Push the intercom, Hera."
Theo pulled her from her thoughts, and she followed his instruction. "Okay, Joel, show us your evolution..." 

There was a long pause, and he didn't move a muscle. Hera almost screamed when Joel whispered directly into her ear, "I already did."

"What the hell Joel? How did you get out? " Hera stared at his very smug face leaning against the control room door. She quickly scanned the cameras again and saw 'Joel' still sitting in the Chamber.

"I never went in," Joel replied casually. "I can make you see what I want you to see, and I can suppress your abilities, Hera. That's what got us into this mess in the first place. I'm just like my dear old Dad." He swallowed hard and clenched his jaw. "He, of course, was twice as powerful as I am, so he was useful to Panacea while I am not." He laughed hollowly.

It was Hera's turn to swallow down the grief that painfully took hold in her chest.

"I'm really sorry about your Dad Joel. He was nothing but kind to me."

He turned away quickly, "He was more like a dad to you than me anyway."

Theo spoke up, then making Hera bury the apologies she wanted to give, "Let's go to training, Joel. Hera, you go and debrief with the Director."

She met his eyes. Go. I'll come to find you later to finish our talk... Hera bit her lip to contain a laugh, and she flushed red. Joel looked curiously between the two of them before grabbing Hera's hand. 

"I look forward to training with you, Hera." 

A small cry escaped her lips as she drew her hand back. Her energy weakened and shuddered from Joel's touch as the two walked away, Joel in front and Theo behind. Hera recognised his tense form and clenched fist as a message. 

He was pissed. 

Hera smiled slightly and headed for her father. Her ability still felt weak, and she hated it. I can never let him touch me again, she thought angrily. She knew he did it on purpose to mess with her. "Such a fucking dick." She muttered aloud.

"Who is?" Jean piped up behind, making Hera jump. Jean bumped shoulders with her affectionately before repeating her question in a sing-song voice.

"Joel touched my hand and suppressed my powers." Hera ground out.

"I know I used to need it when I didn't understand everything, but now it just makes me feel weak like I was." Jean wore a disgusted expression as Hera whispered.

"I never want to feel like that again."

"Argh, you're right. Such a fucking dick." Jean was fuming, and Hera felt their friendship growing from the shared frustration. "I don't know why the Director is insisting on you training him. Theo and I didn't train anyone for at least a year after we had a handle on our abilities."

Hera just shrugged. "I suppose I can ask him." She looked pointedly at the door they had arrived at. 

Jean just looked grim. "Come train with me later. I'll help you with grappling, so even if your abilities get messed with, you could take him down." She smirked and winked before jogging off to the mess hall.

Hera took a deep breath and looked for the energy around her body. Instead, she sensed it deep within her, being held by a foreign force. She quickly pulled at the binding, and her energy swarmed back through her body, buzzing in her hands appreciatively. 

Thank god you're back, she thought, letting out a breath of relief. She closed her eyes and sent it out, checking if anyone, namely, Joel was nearby, but the corridor was truly empty. She pulled herself together and entered her father's office. He was already standing with the Anders case file in hand, waiting expectantly. Hera cleared her throat and went to sit down, but her father's voice stopped her. 

"Hera, it's good to see you." She felt the double meaning behind his words and shook her head at him. She was not ready for this conversation. 

"Not right now, Director." She continued to her seat as Joseph nodded and opened the file opposite her. 

"Alright, observations?" He clicked a pen and hovered it above the page, looking at Hera with raised eyebrows.

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