23. Fusione.

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Confusion washed through Hera's body and then unimaginable grief as Theo stepped past her towards the man. 

Everyone froze for a beat. 

Then two.

"No fucking way. Get back here, you bastard. You're lying!" Jean screamed in disbelief.

Theo didn't turn around until he was next to the man, and his face was unbearably blank.

"How could you do this?" Jean's voice was going hoarse. "How could you do this? To her?" Both Jean and Hera briskly wiped away the tears that poured down their cheeks. 

The man scoffed and slapped Theo on the back. "You mean nothing to him. Isn't that right, boy?" 

Theo's responding nod was terse, and Hera's heart felt like it had been ripped out. Then, without thinking, she squeezed Jackie's hand, drawing out the last of her excess energy, and let it tear out of her. The ten agents surrounding the men exploded in a mess of blood and tissue. She was furious and distraught. She felt dead inside, watching them drenched in the blood of those people. 

She went to kill him next. 

Hera heard the muted voice of her father screaming at her to stop, but she couldn't.

She wanted to eviscerate him, but a shot rang out, deafening her. Looking down, Hera expected to see rivulets of blood pouring from her body, but she was whole. She frowned in confusion when Jackie's hand ripped from hers. Hera couldn't comprehend why her aunt was now on the ground or why her eyes looked through her niece to the grey sky above. 

"What's happening?" She whispered, staring broken at Jackie's lifeless body. The river of blood pouring from a hole in her skull mixed with brain tissue and skull fragments answered Hera. Her body shook just before the earth began to tremble beneath her feet. 

Theo lurched forward, reaching for her, but Joseph threw him back into the man before gripping Hera's shoulders. "If you lose control right now, you will kill anyone still down there. I'm so sorry..."

"Step back." The gravel voice interrupted him. Both Jean and Joseph stepped back from Hera, who collapsed to her knees.

"Try anything again, and the next one goes in your father." Hera didn't dare move. Instead, she stared at the red-stained concrete below and wished to die.


"I believe I've seen enough, and I must say I am thoroughly impressed. We will have use for you, Hera."

"You bastard. You fucking bastard Theo. I hate you!" Jean's voice was almost completely gone. Her rasping screams were cut off from Joseph throwing her back into the garage. Her grief made her unable to fight at that moment, and the Director knew it. 

"Go now." He commanded. She was furious and wanted to kill everyone, but her voice was lost. She turned away from her mentor and sprinted down the hall to join the others. Halfway down the corridor, she spotted a familiar face, and with one look, he rushed past her to the chaos outside. Hera could barely make out her father trying to tell him to leave with the others when the gravel voice spoke up.

"Ah, hello, old friend."

"I don't recall ever being your friend Azrail," Zeke replied solemnly. He bent down next to Hera and petted her head lightly. 

"Things aren't always as they seem, little one." 

As she lifted her head defeated, she saw Zeke and Azrail lock eyes before her friend started convulsing beside her. Bloody spittle flecked his mouth, and Hera finally snapped out of her daze. She cradled his head on her lap and begged Juno to shield him as she sent her energy around them both. 

"My sweet Hera. Fusione. Geminae." 

He said, smiling weakly. Tears filled her eyes, looking down at him. She heard familiar footsteps come closer from both directions. She could hardly hear him, so she lowered her ear closer to his mottled face.  

"A twin." The Director whispered, looking at Theo's approaching form briefly before Zeke spoke up again with a glint in his eye.

"Not just one twin. Two. Both souls in one body. A Chimaera."

Hera's eyes widened, and she imagined her father's face mirrored her own. It looked like her mother was right about having twins after all. Even Theo's brows raised a fraction before a mask of composure came across his face once more. He froze before the three and stared down at Hera blankly. She could see vague emotions pass behind his eyes, but she just looked away. 

"What are they talking about, boy?" Azrail questioned, grabbing Theo roughly by the shoulder. 

He turned his head painfully slowly, "I didn't hear." He spun back to face Hera stiffly. 

Azrails' eyes narrowed at the back of Theo's head before turning back to Hera. "Come with me, and I won't collapse the little tunnel you made down here." He taps his foot on the bloody concrete then looks at Joseph.

 "All I take is her. Well, and Theo, but he's always been mine." He sneered before shoving Theo forward, "If you try anything, I will kill her." A frown formed on Hera's face. Why would he care if that fucking monster killed me? He betrayed us all, she thought bitterly. 

As Theo approached, Hera quickly gestured for her father to grab Zeke. He gently stroked her cheek, smiling sadly. He knew she wouldn't do anything to jeopardize his life or those in the tunnels. "I'll get you out."

She shook her head slightly and squeezed his hand, "I'll find you. Now go!" She used the last of her energy to shove them into the garage and raised the earth to block the entrance. Shots riddled the mound of concrete, clay, and bodies, but it was no use. She saved them. Her gaze drifted over Jackie's warm body and repressed the urge to vomit by closing her eyes. 

As long as the tunnel held, they could make it, she thought hopefully as her last ounce of power wilted inside her. 

She collapsed into the arms of her lover, betrayed.

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