18. Plans.

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"... Collect their belongings and head to their designated vehicles once this meeting concludes." 

The Directors' voice could be heard even before Hera entered the room. The observatory was quaint, with just enough room to hold each community member. Despite pews lining the floor, not a soul reclined there. As Hera gazed upward, she noticed a hexagonal window revealing a glittering sky and a crescent moon at the ceiling's centre. Hera spied thick metal grating perched on either side of the glass, ready to make the window an impenetrable opening if they were under attack. 

"There will be eight groups of five and one of six. Each group will have two to three fighters accompanying them to the new settlements. They are scattered around a mountain range that will remain nameless for your safety." 

The Director's eyes met Hera's briefly, and he gave a slight nod as he continued. "These cabins will be your new homes. When we are certain Panacea won't be able to track those who stay behind, we will come and join you." 

Hera sent her energy out looking for Joel and let out a sigh of relief when she realised he wasn't here. At least the children will be safe, the thought causing Theo to squeeze her hands affectionately. She blushed under his gaze in her periphery and waited for the meeting to conclude. 

"I commend every one of you for your bravery. Until we meet again." Children and elders looked sombre but determined as they filed out of the observatory, leaving the Evolved who chose to remain. Everyone watched as the different vehicles pulled out of the compound and off into the starry night. Hera could sense Monroe flying above, looking ahead like an avenging angel. 

Once they were out of sight, the Director turned grim.

"I have heard word that Panacea is closing in on our location, and we likely only have a day or two before they make their first assault." Gasps spread across the room, including Hera's. Theos grip briefly tightened on her hand, and the energy pooling there quieted.

"Most of you have been training for this all your lives, so I know you are more than capable of holding your own. They are likely going to send dozens of their best people. Most will have modifications stolen from our kin, and I'm sure they will have Evolved on their side." 

 Hera felt anxiety rising in her chest as the odds seemed to pile higher and higher against them. A brunette Evolved voiced Hera's thoughts, "How can we win against them if they are just like us and they have so many more?" Her voice wavered, and Hera felt sympathy for her apparent fear. Others murmured their agreement, and the Director asked everyone to sit down. As everyone took a seat, he continued in a soothing tone. 

"If anyone has doubts or regrets in staying back, I encourage you to leave now with the others. There is a spare van in the garage fueled for the journey." 

A few people whispered amongst themselves and started to rise. Hera's fear doubled, realising everyone was about to run.

"Wait!" Hera stood abruptly, startling those around her. "I know I haven't given many of you reasons to trust me, and you hardly know me besides all the gossip you've probably heard," A few heads turned down in shame, "but I think I can better our odds..." She looked over to her father, who nodded slightly before sitting himself.

"My Evolution is... " she paused, unsure how to explain to all the wide eyes before her. "Complicated?" She was rewarded with a few laughs before continuing, "I can feel... everything. Atoms. All of you are made up of cells, molecules, and atoms that are constantly vibrating, and when I focus, I can feel it all. I should be able to tell when and how many there are surrounding the community, so we aren't taken by surprise." Most of the fighters looked unimpressed with this. Finally, one was brave enough to speak up, and embarrassment flooded Hera's senses.

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