37. Retribution.

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The dappled morning light through the curtains roused Hera. 

She blinked repeatedly, trying to clear the scratchiness of her eyes from crying the night before as she flipped over to stretch. Her momentum was halted as she rolled up against a warm, solid form. Her heart nearly leapt from her chest as he turned his tousled head to look down at her. His drowsy eyes were slowly raking up her exposed flesh. 

"Morning love."

His tired voice was her new drug. The divine depth and raspiness sent shivers down her spine. He turned his head to gaze at the ceiling, a smile playing on his lips. 

"Morning." He only smiled harder at her quiet response. She flushed a deep crimson, recalling the night before, and peeked under the covers. Very naked. She heard a chuckle beside her as she gathered the sheets around her and ran into the bathroom for a quick shower. She closed the door and took a few calming breaths before she heard a gentle knock. 

"May I come in?"

She bit her lip to stop the grin from spreading across her entire face before peeking her head out the door. She was quickly face-to-face with his shirtless torso and looked up to see him looking at her curiously. "No funny business. I've got training and if I don't show up soon, someone will come looking for me."

Amusement twinkled in his eyes. "Cross my heart, Hera."

He kept true to his promise beside a dozen stolen kisses and they got changed into training gear. Hera was glad she could find a big enough shirt and sweatpants for him to wear until his other clothes had dried. The kitchen was a mess by the time they had finished making breakfast. It was supposed to be something quick, but Theo was determined to make her the pancakes she said she would kill him for. He snuck off into the greenhouse and picked some strawberries to go on top and she was smitten. 

Neither could contain the contagious energy between them. The house was full of laughter, banter, and smiles. 

It started to feel like a home. 

She was just about to take her first bite when the front door flew open and Jean stormed inside, throwing herself on the couch. 

"We need to talk, princess!" Her tone sent chills down Hera's spine. She didn't even think Jean spotted Theo standing sheepishly by the centre island. 

"What did I do now?" She asked carefully.

"The other day when we fought you did something to me. Well tried anyway. But I feel like I'm still missing something. I-I think you took... a part of me..." She paused before yelling, "and you need to give it back!"

She jolted upright at the last words and froze, staring deep into the eyes of her best friend. "You." She ground between her teeth. He tilted his head to the side and waved ironically. "Morning sunshine."

Hera swore she heard a growl from the couch before stupidly standing in front of Jean. "Calm down, let's figure out our situation first, and then you can grill Theo." Jean's eyes tried boring into her before finally conceding. 

"Fine. Give me back what you took."

"I thought it was a dream." Hera sighed plopping next to her on the couch sending a sidelong glance at Theo. "I'm sorry if I hurt you."

Jean's face twisted in a confused scowl. "It doesn't hurt per se. It feels empty..." Her voice broke slightly and Hera swallowed back her guilt.

She closed her eyes to look within when she heard Theo's curious tone, "What exactly happened?"

"Training," Hera replied simply. She could sense her answer did not satiate his curiosity at all so Jean happily filled in. "I bit her, she stole something from me, half died and Ivy saved her. The end."

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