25. Orders.

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Hera decided quickly she would feign innocence to any accusation Azrail might throw at her. She, however, couldn't help growling, "Leave me alone," to the cameras.

"I think we need to have a little talk." He spat across the speakers. Hera's pulse quickened as she made a gamble. She prayed he didn't hear what Jane had told her.

"I want to talk to Theo first."

"You want to talk to the person who betrayed you?" Hera could hear his smugness and wanted to strangle him. Relief was a close runner-up as she realised he did not know what she had done to Jane.

"I just want to talk to him, and then I'll..." She paused, unsure of a worthy trade. She swallowed before continuing, "I'll tell you the secret Zeke told me when you tried to kill him..."

The intercom went silent.

"Come on!" Hera sat back on her bed, defeated and angry, when the door opened, and Theo stepped inside. 

"Ask the wrong question, and I leave." She noticed the hidden message in his words. 


She sat silently, hoping to appear in deep thought to the cameras. "Was everything a lie?" There was a tense pause, and Hera knew what answer she would get.

"Yes." His voice was low, and his fists clenched.

"Can you come sit next to me for a while? I'm tired." She was being truthful. It was almost painful to keep her eyes open. He was not expecting that question and searched her face as he walked closer. He sat cautiously, and the weight of the bed dipping forced their shoulders to touch. Their energies intertwined briefly, causing Hera's eyes to water and Theos jaw clenched. Her Evolution was betraying her. She wanted to keep her guard up around him, but it wouldn't let her. 

"Where are we?" She asked while sending Juno's shield around his mind. There was less resistance than with Jane, but she knew her exhaustion wouldn't let her hold it. 

"We are on a ship in the middle of the ocean." He replied. Hera knew he could feel the weight lifted off his mind as he leaned against her slightly. 

Is he controlling you? Theos head dipped and lifted so faintly she thought she dreamed it. Her shield snapped back, and his body stiffened. 

"When can I leave the room?" she asked him as he stood.

"When it's time to harvest you." He replied emotionless, walking to the door.

I get it now, Theo. It's not your fault. She screamed internally to the back of his head. His hand curled into a fist as he walked through the opened door. I love you. Her words hit like a physical blow, and he stumbled. Hera cried out, tears welling in her eyes as the door slammed behind him. 

She buried her head in her hands and cried.


Hera awoke to dinner being wheeled in. Jane stood above her and stared blankly before clearing her throat, "Azrail has asked me to retrieve the information you promised to see Theo."

When she finally processed the statement, she felt her stomach sink. "I would rather tell him in person."

"That's impossible..."

Hera cut her off. "I don't want to disclose any secrets to the person in charge of killing me."

"He is onshore at the moment. Perhaps you can write it down." She passed a pen and paper with shaking hands and clenched her teeth." Hera tried to look bored, throwing the items next to her while she ate. "You can go now, Jane. You don't need to watch me eat." She nodded slowly before turning and leaving the room. This time, Jane had left her with a fork, and she tried not to get excited as she finished the pasta on her plate. Instead, she rolled on her stomach, pocketing the silverware and opened the paper beneath her writing gibberish on alternating lines to the message Jane had left in faint pencil.

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