Chapter Twenty-Five

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Remus dropped down and instantly shined a light ether way, showing that they were on a crossway and it caused him to huff. "Yeah, we'll need the map!" He called up, his voice echoing and he cursed. Hoping that there weren't any rogues who were using this as their home base, though any wolf scent was indeed old and intertwined with murky wetness that he didn't have any doubt that this place flooded in the winter to spring season.

Which was confirmed when he stepped in a small puddle that caused him to groan. "What is it?" Jackson called out, but chuckled in seeing what discomforted his Alpha.

Sure wolves had a natural tendency to see better in the dark, but there was not even a lick of proper sunlight that could offer them any leeway to which side of the tunnel they were headed.

Aurora called out the directions to ensure they made it to one of the many marks, but the ever so often sneeze from Rebekah reminded the rest of the wolves how damning their headache was getting, or in Remus' case—How close they were getting to snapping his jaw from the tension.

The sudden sound made all the wolves and two others to freeze, to what they could only assume to be rocks crumbling down. Which caused the witch to shiver once again as she jumped onto her mate's back.

"What sort of torture is this?" She hissed her repeated joke into her mate's back, the feeling of his closeness numbed the effects of the silver but only slightly.

"I think that's the point, darling. It's as the Alpha said. If we're exposed to this for days on end, I'm sure the spike in my head would simmer a little bit. Hopefully." The single-file line shared their grumbles in agreement, however, the falling stones did not cease at all.

Nor was it timed, as Rebekah thought there could be a type of machine still operating. However, it was simply the earth reminding them they were at her mercy, and they certainly were when there had been a window break through the wall and Remus huffed.

"Are those tracks?" Remus beckoned, and the rest of the light soon shined through to reveal just what he labled as—And a flash of a moving cart caused a few of the wolves to jump right alongside Rebekah's shreek.

"Sorry, sorry! I don't do well with jump scares!" She said, lightly bumping her forehead into her mate in complete embarrassment for not keeping herself contained. Though a moment later, Aurora had a similar response as her sweater had been caught by a jagged rock in the wall.

One of which would've been smashed by Jack's defense if she hadn't stopped him. "Hey...Jacky, I'm fine, see...?" She said, but Remus smirked in seeing that his friend refused to leave her side now and cautiously made sure he passed by each and every crack safely.

"We should be coming up to the cavern, most of the tunnels seem to be connected here—The main entrance just looks like a dead end. Good thing you saw this Bekah." The she-wolf praised and the witch hummed in response.

"Omen saw it...Oh, the two males found another set of letters." She called out, and Remus couldn't understand the connection of a familiar, but he certainly could still feel his beast.

And even Remus was starting to feel mildly uncomfortable with the silve, as if his breath was being swiped away when he took the first few steps into the cavern. Sure the confinement of the tunnel was claustrophobic, but something about standing in the middle of never-ending darkness made him shiver.

"Do you think there's anything flammable in the room?" Rebekah questioned just as her mate allowed her back to the floor, and just as Remus shined his light near them, he caught Enzo taking a knee with fear in his eyes.

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