Chapter Thirty

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 The cold air hadn't bothered Sage, not when she had experienced another type of chill—One that consisted of an artificial and controlled climate.
Here she could feel the drop as it naturally decreased, the soft decline of chips as the birds started to hunker down for the night while the insects rose to the occasion.

They hadn't set a time for when the two would be coming home, but neither couple back at their house was going to tell their Alpha couple that they have a curfew.

Instead, the two were stargazing, though Remus was finding it difficult considering Sage's flushed face was addicting to look at. Especially when it made his heart swell with pride, only he could make her feel like that.

Only he has made her feel like that.

While they weren't tied together anymore, either needed to break from the constant mating that even his own heart was beating roughly in his chest—Even with Sage laying down beside him, Remus still made it a point to place a hand onto her stomach.

"There's no pup in there anymore."
"I know munchkin, making sure you're still breathing." She turned her head his way for a moment and she huffed before grunting out the phrase, "Cocky male," as her father would always say.

But he remained silent and breathed in the compliment, he would certainly feel cocky after what they just accomplished, though the way that she was starting to trace his chest tattoo was starting to give him the sense that she was indeed ready to partake in round four.

"Miss me already hun?"
"No, I want to swim." She ushered, rising to her feet which left the remains of her dress to fall. Better yet he watched from his position on the blanket as he was gifted the sight of Sage's beautiful backside descending into the water. The moon's rays illuminate her with the goddess' natural grace.

"It's not cold." She promoted, letting her arms wave back and forth for a moment or two as she titled her head. But he still hadn't moved, mesmerized by how damn breathtaking his mate appeared to be, and she scoffed. "You're no fun."

Which allowed her to splash her face with the fresh water and hum, her heated skin adoring the cooling texture.

"Alright alright, goddess—I need to have another talk with Mary about corrupting you." He grumbled, knowing full well that she didn't come out of the blue with skinny-dipping.

Sage's grin widened ear to ear as she watched his figure starting to join her, however, a small something brushed at her ankle, and when she stumbled in the sand a bit. She bumped into a thick and scaly body, and just as she was about to call out Remus, a lock had caught onto her ankle and yanked her with unbelievable force.

"REM—" The call of her wolf had broken through to his own, he hardly caught what had caused her to panic, but the last image he caught was her hand attempt to reach to grab anything to hold onto.

"SAGE?!" He yelled, his voice calling all of his Alpha power to level the water's for her to hear him under the water.

Alpha?...Is everything—

Something grabbed Sage in the water!

The silence over the other side of the link truly didn't mask Remus' own panic as he started rushing over to her final spot and diving forward to see if there was anything that might point him in the right direction.

And while his eyes weren't adapted to the deepest depths of underwater life, he could've sworn a scaled tail was swimming off and away—Farther into the depths.

Rising up in a gasp for air he called an order of boats and diving gear, but the panic of the pack started trickling in.


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