Chapter Thirty-Five

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Sage had yet to wake from her slumber, though the witches reassured the wolves that she had used a good portion of her magic to steady the plane—It had been more than difficult considering the speed in which they were coming down in. Making Enzo feel guilty for not having the ability to fly the plane correctly, but nobody faulted him.

The two acted and that is what matters, however, the lack of options was starting to wane thin. Their phones were either damaged by the water or held no service. The sat phone was shattered and the pups were starting to get fussy.

"I'll go and see if I can bring a deer back or something..." Blake offered, but was instantly shut down by Hayes.
"No, we need to get moving soon. We're too close to the plane, if Coldridge was behind this they could be tracking." The fear in which they were being hunted put newer things into perspective.

"No offense sir, but Sage is still—"
"I'll carry her on my back, the pups can manage a little walking and your pup will need a harness. We leave in ten." Hayes had decided before stalking the woods, the Alpha in him was demanding to scout forward since he didn't have the bodies to order out.

This instinct was embedded into him. His family was here and in need, along with the members of Crescent Moon he was given to protect and lead. This was a 'what if' scenario, and by tonight at the latest—Either Remus or Harlow would see what happened.

While it was smart to remain near the plane, it ran the risk of another pack locating them. It was the easier of two evils, especially considering their lack in numbers and two pups—Plus a newborn.

When Hayes returned, those in question had managed well enough to make do with what they had. The bedsheets from the plane's bedroom acted as the perfect carrier for Sage and Raven. It was Rebekah that would be holding Bellamy while she piggyback on her mate.

Jack and Blake attempted to wrangle the twins with some snacks so they wouldn't be on an empty stomach, and Bellamy had been fed to at least sleep through the given hour or two.

Hayes had said that he didn't get a whiff of anything supernatural, neither pack, rogues or otherwise. The spirit the group had left with was short-willed, but they decided to head north—As they were bound to hit something that way.

Sage made no protest in having been wrapped securely to her father, nor in the fact that they had been running at a pup's pace. Granted, the twins lasted much longer than they thought—Only to be upgraded and tied much like their mother to both Aurora and Jack.

It allowed for a much easier way of traveling, and by the time the sun fell over the mountain. Perhaps that would be the location next, to raise their elevation and see out a ways.

Civilization, even if it was humans, would give them the option of contacting their packs.

In the midst of setting up camp, a low fire cooking up meat for the two witches. It allowed for a least some comfort, and so when Hayes returned to the group he caught Rebekah over Sage. Thankful the small groan sparked once again as the Luna felt her father's eyes on her.

Her blinking had been out of sync, but she soon managed to lock onto the grim face of her father. "Next time I say no, listen please...Headaches no fun." She grumbled and started to curl into her side, trying to mend her raging temples.

He kneed down with a bottle of water and she instantly went forward to take the given gulps. "Slow sweetheart, slow." The words managed to translate and she took her time, her lack of resources certainly made a sip of lukewarm water a blessing.

"Okay?" She whispered out of breath, attempting to sit up and look around. Yet it confused her, the smell of her father all over the blanket she had. Her pups looking at her with cation, though they've yet to shift.

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