Chapter Two

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The day had finally come, and Remus knew that tearing the family away from the sanctuary would be new and worrying, so he decided that today they would shift.

It wasn't that hard to herd them out of the den, it was more of keeping them inside the den that caused the most trouble. And Ronan had already tried to sneak past his father on multiple nights to get a better glance of the moon, and while Sage laughed—She encouraged him to go out with Ronan and look up and enjoy the goddess and her light.

Rue was absolutely terrified of the dark, so Remus curled around her for protection and it earned him a thankful few whines and whimpers. But he didn't want her to be afraid of the dark—He didn't want her to be afraid of anything.

So while Ronan was adventures, Rue was cautious. But either would get up and didn't give up in terms of playing and wrestling back and forth.

This morning, in particular, Remus had sought out early and hunted to bring Sage breakfast as she hadn't eaten since lunch. Neither had he.
Their methods of eating had been back and forth, though if the pack hadn't caught wind of their Alpha's scent in a timespan of two whole days—Eli had ordered a few hunts to leave them one at the ready, and it was fairly easy to smell the blood from where they were stationed in the sanctuary.

After Sage had gotten a bite to eat, and he finished off the rest—The two cleaned one another's faces from the blood before getting down to business.

Tomorrow would be the day they returned back, but Sage was a wiggling mess at the idea of seeing the lil munchkins shift. And thus she barked impatiently for their attention, and they gave it to their mama.

Though their bums were hovering off the ground and their tails flapping this way and that.

Remus had been the first to shift, his bones aching as they hadn't needed to be rearranged for long that it felt unnatural. But he trusted his wolf to submerge back into his subconscious and thus, he was displayed as a human before his pups.

And they stared at him in full fledge shock, until they whined and hid in between their mother's legs at the strange-looking creature.

Pups don't like skin?

"I guess not...Ronan? Rue?"

Of course the pups could hear their parents speaking over the family link, but they didn't have anything more than sounds to respond to the conversation.

But their heads tilted at the sound of their names that Sage's excitement had been issued in the tippy tapping of her front paws. But after a few moments of no movement, Sage nudged her son and daughter both before looking at the male.

Soon she rose and came into a greeting hug to her mate, and he welcomed her in open arms. "Careful shifting hun, definitely going to be a little sore." He said in between receiving kisses from Sage, and that interested Rue right then and there.

She had taken the first few steps, until Ronan tackled her and growled at his father in defense.

He's protective.

Good. I feel bad for Rue's mate in the future.

Long time, Remmy. Go say hi.

She said, parting to the side as Remus let his hand become the offering to the two pups. And it ended in the two fighting over being in their father's hold.

Leaving Sage the opportunity to shift.

Remus was right, Sage's bones felt strange—Stranger than normal. The last time she was in skin, she was still pregnant with the twins. And the painful groans and sharp breaths caused him to worry.

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