Chapter Seventeen

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Papa Hayes mentioned that Willow's dad, Walter, was not a nice man. 'Not nice' as in Randal type of Alpha, only it was more towards his own pups than the pack—Granted, it was probably why Blue Moon was still a low tier.

Had Willow stayed, perhaps the ranking of the pack would've managed differently than at eleven.

When Sage and Raven arrived at the packhouse, the grim faces all turned to her in expectation. And in turning to the strange male that captured her attention above all the other unknown faces, it caused her to turn defensive.

Something was screaming at her to attack.

Believe me Bubbles, I feel the same. Just calm down and come get a hug from your mate and relax. He's powerless. Weak.

She blinked one last time to her grandfather before coming over to Remus and staring at the rest of them.

"So this...Is the little female that started a war in America?" Sage perked her lips and tilted her head to the male. It didn't take long to recognize the scent, former Alpha James of Eclipse.

She didn't like him any more than her grandfather, who still hadn't said a word until he chuckled.

"Just like her mother, tiny and—"
"That's enough." Hayes defended in a quick growl, but the other males laughed.

"If I'm so tiny how can I kill two Alphas? Careful. No council means no title for you and you're on my land." The males straightened their backs at the call of the threat, but Sage and her wolf hardly ever lied when speaking that sternly.

As far as she's concerned, they're the enemy.

"Are you taking care of my granddaughter?" Walter questioned off towards Remus, but Hayes scoffed.
"Don't pretend to care for her now. What do want?" Sage's eyes flickered in a similar fashion to her mate's, but this sudden buzzing in her veins caused her fists to curl. And the only thing Remus could do was wrap a secure arm around her stomach in an attempt to prepare for a pounce.

He nor Hayes would put it past her to do just that.

"Son, we don't want anything. We're here to stop this that's been created." Remus narrowed his eyes towards Walter and huffed.

"Sounds like you're talking to someone already."
"Always with the tone of mistrust, can't say I blame you. Randal always was a little fidgety when it came to meetings." A growl escaped Sage towards her grandfather, and it surprised him.

Willow was never this aggressive, and it sent a shock to his system for sure.

"And my daughter? Any news on her?" Remus shook his head. "Whatever Underground is doing was enough to separate Willow and Hayes' bond, but Sage was born in June. Willow survived longer than the rip in their bond. We're still looking." He admitted, and while it was common ground they still needed to be careful as the Grandfather of Eclipse and Moonlight were still wary.

Of course Remus would be tense, Hayes was even closed mouth on future plans. And the teepees had been all but taken down.

Arctic Crest was their secret mix, since the tri-pack usually wouldn't care about the rest of the state's drama. But Irene and Xavier were on the side of truth and reconciliation.

"I want to find mom, but Council don't help."
"Sure there's a reason for that...I'm disappointed that you'd let your daughter turn her back on her family, Hayden." And the male hummed towards his father-in-law.

"Hardly bothered to call when Harlow and Haylee were born, didn't think Wesly or Wade would care, you know? Father like son." It was toxic in the room, and the better half of Remus knew that killing three out of the four males in the room would just raise the stakes further.

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