Chapter Ten

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Crescent Moon wasn't a stranger to bloodshed, but the sixty or so Enforcers from the council were difficult to process—Just about half had been killed, and Hayes was just thankful that nobody from their own pack had been in that count. Just a few injured here and there, though Remus was still in critical condition.

Hayes didn't waste time in calling for aid from either Issac or Chris, since their packs were much closer than his son's.

But explaining what had happened was another story entirely.

Hayes wasn't surprised that the Issac and Mary had called to action within mere hours with the collected help of healers and supplies, yet the father of three Alpha pups hadn't been there to properly greet the new arrivals, not wanting to leave his daughter for more than a few minutes.

She hadn't spoken in hours, her onyx eyes still remaining. And the truth of the matter was, her sweetness of holding the Alpha position was still reigning strong.

Even after the chaos had finally stopped.
Even after she had been cleaned up, bandaged, and on the path of healing.
She still remained as an Alpha prepared for another strike.

It was a theory among the higher-ups that Sage wouldn't return until Remus was awake to reclaim it.

The first day Hayes didn't think she was aware of the surplus of wolves from other packs coming and going in the infirmary, she simply stayed in Remus' recovery room watching and waiting.

She hardly ate, the only distraction that could tear her gaze from her mate was the pups. And that was mainly on the senses in being categorized as an instinct.

Hayes tried to be supportive of a mate being close to one another to promote healing, but the way the healers were describing it—Remus was simply not waking up.

They diagnosed him as being in a coma, leaving many to assume that they had lost the Alpha. And with Sage still charged up with her mate's title, it left Eli as a Beta—Not that it was a major problem, he managed well enough.

Though there were sometimes the subordinate wolves would look at Hayes instead, as he was still considered an Alpha when he walked into the room.

However, after a full day and night, Sage emerged from the infirmary with the clear instructions that she wanted to be informed the second there was anything to report.

One of the only real benefits Sage was blessed when acquiring her mate's strength allowed her to battle the rest of the pup cold, pushing it out of her system. Sage entered the Alpha's study without a second thought, and all eyes looked at her in pure confusion—Especially when she spoke.

"I want Blake back on pack grounds and I want to hear what council say." Julia made her way up to her Luna and pulled her closer to the group to settle her in a seat.

"Sage, maybe you should stay with—"
"No. What Moon Valley, Blue Moon, Eclipse, and Shadow Pack say?" Hayes smirked and nodded in approval to see his daughter control the room.

But in the distance—Way off in the distance, in another dimension, in fact, Remus had stared down at the scene below. Only to cause him to stutter in confusion as to why his mate looked so rigid and tense.

"What the hell?!" He bustled, his voice even feeling like a song verse as it echoed and floated off and around him. In looking at his body he couldn't feel anything, and he certainly recalled what the last moments of consciousness felt like.

And it was awful.

"I don't think that language is acceptable here, nor was it in my house." The voice appeared similar to his, but it startled him as there was hardly any confusion as to who it was from.

Lacking Humanity|Blue Moonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें