Chapter Thirty-Three

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As the season grew colder, the tension really started to set in. Remus' mood would fluctuate between moody—Meaning unpleasant for Sage to deal with—To a love-smothering male that wouldn't settle in bed without mating.

Sage's wolf did not like this side of her mate, but it was the product of going to war.

The she-wolf soon realized how her siblings must've felt in having their parents concerned about a looming threat and waiting for the unknown, but Crescent Moon and the rest of Summit had decided to trust Darius' suggestion in the fact that the winter would pause the war. Most of Coldridge were not used to the eastern winters and it would be pointless to send them out in the cold.

There was a small light in the bleak winter, Julia had gone into labor in the early hours of November 14th. The future Beta for Crescent Moon, Elias Rivers—Named after Eli's great grandfather.

The little get-together had been a small affair with plenty of children, and sure enough, the bond between Ronan and Elias had started to shine within moments of meeting one another. Even if the Alpha pup could shift into fur, Elias wiggled and felt the need to try to do the same.

Besides the party, the biggest highlight following the holiday season was the pups finally starting to say a handful of words. To their parents, and nicknames for their favorite wolves.

So while mama and papa had their fun with being called out by the pups, Blake turned into 'ake'. Luke turned into 'Lu' and Jack turned into 'Jaja.'

But after the holiday season, the true cold had settled into the Moon household. Sage didn't know better to see her brooding male stress and starting to take his anger out in the only way he knew how—To either distance himself or express his anger in the form of yelling.

In Sage's guilt for starting all of this, she took it with a broken heart by the end of the night. She cared for the pups, worked with the rogues, and banded her females together. While also trying to work out a solution so that the Alpha and his males didn't have that much of a workload.

Yet it was no use.
If she did something wrong or caused a minor inconvenience—Sage was the first to hear about it, and in not so many words, blamed for it.

The Luna of Crescent Moon was tired, and no amount of running or playtime with the pups could take away the emptiness she felt.

She simply wanted her mate back.

And when she discussed it with Harlow and Haylee—Away from Remus and her father's hearing, they said that stress could ruin anyone's mind and that she needed to stand her ground.

Had she not been doing that?
She fought and she tried to work the way he wanted. Simply put, it always ended up the same. Sage hardly ever understood the word 'regret', she never regretted anything really.

Although she did regret not trusting her gut and drinking the poisoned tea, it wasn't as if she knew what the contents of it were or what they were able to do.

So as she was attempting to get dinner set on the table, she frowned at hearing the door open and close—The smell of her mate creeping into her nose.

While her wolf ran and took for cover, the witch part of her started to buzz. Angry for the disrespect, as if they hadn't been in this place of questioning before.

The father had been kind and greeted the pups with the funny faces he could muster up, Remus turned over to Sage and kissed her cheek. Knowing full well that the male wanted, as Haylee suggested that much.

"Did the pups eat yet?" She hummed, focusing her attention down on the cooking pasta before turning over to check the garlic bread. With Blake's help, it truly made her a decent chef and translated into understanding the art of potion-making.
Yet it was safe to say that Sage was not there as of yet.

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