Chapter Thirty-Six

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They remained at the mountain until early noon, trying to gather supplies and wait for the water to boil that they'd more than likely need later in the day.

It had been thankfully uneventful, but another day had passed—And another.

Sage had to confirm with another group of Nymphs that there would be a human civilization in this direction, and it was pointed true when they came across camping grounds. It confused Sage as to what the hell this meant, but after Hayes and Jack had spoken with whatever human was in the cabin...It's come to realize that being in a boating accident and having to survive for three days had been the easiest fib to swift through.

In a moment of weakness, Hayes had purchased the largest cabin and went straight to the small general store to buy anything he could in terms of food.

Sage had been quick to settle the twins into the curtesy toddler crib, and there were enough couches and beds for everyone to be comfortable.
While Rebekah had nearly forced her mate to drink her own blood, as it was getting to be too dangerous with the humans surrounding them. 

And in the company of other supernatural beings, they didn't need to deal with a police investigation on top of everything else.

It wasn't as if all of them (besides Enzo and Rebekha) had shown their faces in public in the last ten years, unless it was Remus' ticket with Sage in the car. That was Crescent Moon's last legal action in the human world to date.

Blake and Raven managed well enough in the kitchen as Sage tended to their pup. As they knew Bellamy was relaxing in his godmother's arms completely occupied by the silly faces and sucking on his pacifier.

It had been a good distraction for the Luna in caring for the youngest in the group, as it made her wolf feel involved while her father looked for strategies. In purchasing a trail map it was easy to pinpoint where they had landed—Where they were attacked and where they were.


"Closer than Utah..." Sage said as she looked over the map with her dad, and he chuckled and point out the option of going to Mystic Grimm or White Paw.
Had it been a lucky break and they landed in Colorado then perhaps they could've entertained the idea of heading to Moon Stone.

But that was simply not in the cards.

"So what's the plan? We didn't come with identification." Jackson said, sitting down with filled glasses of water for either of them.

"We have money, find the right humans that's always enough to sway what they think." Sage bit her lip, staring at the map in an attempt to analyze it. But that was the part of history that she was relatively bad at. Recognizing states and maps. The only reason she understood the better part of locations was because it involved packs, it involved her kind and not humans or their fifty states.

"Have to wait until tomorrow afternoon for that bus anyway. Storm knocked out the phone lines—Wonder who could've done that." Jack said with a taunting sip of his own glass, though he ended up coughing some of it up when Aurora backhanded him upside the head.

"Stop blaming her, if it wasn't for Sage then we'd be at the bottom of a lake or buried in a crater or in Moon Valley—Goddess knows what would've happened then. So we can deal with no phones. Jackson." The male had uttered an apology before he hurried after his steaming mate, the heaviness of this situation was wearing thin, though it didn't stop Hayes from just turning his attention back to the project at hand.

"It's my fault...They want me." Sage said, and close to instantly she had been tackled by her father's affection.
"Bubbles, don't go down that road. It's not your fault. Remember those Alpha tried to kill me and Remus? They wanted to kill you, they're pissed and upset because their fatherss failed. Do you understand that? This isn't a fault. This is kill or be killed. Repeat after me, kill or be killed." She swallowed her tears and followed the mantra her father prescribed her, and it did well to distract her.

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