Chapter 156 Extra

Start from the beginning

"Not killing them," The little old antique expressed coldly, "Or, I'll kill the Holy Knights after the count is dead. You choose."

His boss told him, "Give me a reason not to deal with you."

Tyron replied, "I'm stronger than you. Power means freedom. Freedom is the power to say 'no'."

Later, he had found out that Bluebell was using him to threaten the little old antique.

Victor: Really angry, slight smile.jpg

The mage, Victor, launched his magic--biubiubiu--and had nearly flattened a branch of Bluebell. The assassins, who were inside, snuck away and disappeared like birds and beasts.

In this regard, Little Tyron expressed, "Worthy of being a human being that I raised."

Victor: "We're done for. Will Bluebell come after us?"

Tyron: "Just hide for a while, and it'll be fine. I'll be stronger in two years. When the time comes, they won't be chasing to kill us. They'll instead come back, crying and begging for me to go back."

Instead of killing the paladins, Little Tyron had killed the count, who sold Elven slaves.

This was another very long story. In short, when he had come back, Song of Triumph was pinned to his waist, and he had two broken dragon teeth in his bag.

Victor: It's called Deep Silence! Deep Silence! Deep Silence! Hahahaha! I'm going to see it come into being with my own eyes!

In order to cast Deep Silence, the two of them had entered the dwarves' underground empire from the East. They had lived there for another half-year, and at this time, the young old antique had gradually grown up into a beautiful youth. He would attract all the bees and butterflies every day when he went out.

Dwarves and elves had always been antagonistic towards each other, and their aesthetic differences were like opposite ends of the world. It had remained this way until the dwarves met the beautiful young Tyron.


By virtue of his own beauty, Tyron subverted countless dwarves' aesthetic values to the point where a certain dwarven princess cried and chased after him the whole way.

It was under such circumstances that the little old antique's view of mate selection was forced to grow up at the speed of light. Sometimes, when he was tired of refusing, he would point to Victor and ask, "Do you guys see him?"

The dwarves: "???"

Little Tyron: "The human I've raised from young. My child bride."

Victor: (⊙v⊙) Okay, okay.

Victor acted out his part perfectly. He looked like a very well-behaved and obedient little quail, was a mage, and could also teach. He could make potions and scrolls, and in short, he was clever, smart, and superior in every aspect.

The dwarven princess was heartbroken and ran away in tears.

That same night, the little old antique packed up and led Victor away.

Victor asked him, "Your dragon tooth dagger hasn't been forged yet though, right? We still haven't yet found the right craftsman."

Tyron replied, "Dwarves are not suitable for such small things. I'm going to take a look at the Elven Empire."

As soon as they had entered the Elven Empire, the little demon king disguised himself up as a beautiful young elf.

This melancholy, princely temperament was just like his half-fae mother's. Anyone who looked at him would be heartbroken, and even centuries-old, straight-as-steel men would feel their fingers go soft around him.

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