Part 35

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Thanos was quick to turn the blame to them, "You were unable to forget your own failure and I thought that by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive, but you showed me that as long as there are still people that remember what was, there will always be the ones that can't see what can be, they will resist" "Hey Thanos! How's your hot brother?" Tony tried to hold his laughter as Freya walked towards them.

 "Eros is uh-" "Yeah I know ballsack, he's fine, just wanted to see if you would remember that pretty boy" Bucky frowned as she winked at him. "Now you pushed me over the line" Thanos put on his helmet and fought them all, which looked easy for him as they him their all, but Thanos was too strong for them not even when Tony grabbed the hammer, which shocked them all but what really shocked them was when people started popping out of the portals.

The fight was long and they had to get the stones into the portal so they could go back but it seemed like the difficulties kept on going. Thanos was desperate to get to them and would throw anything or anyone on its way, and they were giving their best. Freya was fighting him directly and was stabbing him with anything she summoned, Wanda appeared next to her, angry and broken, she could feel how her energy radiated. 

"Shall we?" Wanda nodded as she started holding Thanos up in the air, he would soon be dead if he hadn't commanded the ships to start shooting which almost hit them so they hid under Wanda's sheild. "How long has it been?" "Five years" Wanda looked at Freya shocked as they fought more aliens coming their way. "Whe-" "We wanted to bury him but there's an administration not letting us, we even tried stealing him but there's this asshole guy who won't let us know exactly his location" Wanda seemed even more upset as she killed five creatures at once. "We do have an idea of where he might be but when we discovered it, we wanted to bring you back first" She looked at Freya with tears in her eyes. "Where is he?" She screamed lifting herself up and going after him again, but it seemed like he had disappeared.

Freya saw from the corner of her eye the gauntlet, so as everyone stared at something that was destroying the ship she went to get it. It seemed Thanos had the same idea so as they fought to see who would take it she remembered her secret plan B with Tony who was joining the fight.

Thanos was still stronger than her but she was faster, so she did what anyone would've done in her situation. "You humans think you can fight me? Who do you think you are?" He said as he placed the gauntlet, "I am inevitable" he said before snapping his fingers, but he didn't have the stones so he looked and there they were on his hand. Freya knew what he had planned but she was not about to let her best friend die without fighting but it was too late."No!" she screamed as she turned to Thanos who had thrown his sword towards Tony "And I am, Iron Man" as he snapped his fingers he noticed the sword never hit him, and there she was, with it on her chest.

"No!" Bucky screamed as he ran towards them. He looked at them both as Tony stood up and tried to lift her. "Tony!" Pepper got under his arm and placed his back against the rock and as Peter approached them. Bucky kneeled down next to her, as he tried to think of something. "We need to go to the hospital. Where-" She placed his hand on his "It's time" she said as he kissed her hand as if it was about to break. 

"Please don't go, it's too soon, too soon" the tears escaped his eyes as the people surrounded Tony and Freya, but she only saw him. "What about forever?" he sobbed as he placed a hand on her cheek, "Maybe this is our forever" Freya struggled to say as she tried holding on to him, she didn't have the strength to speak to him anymore, so she smiled seeing her world one last time.

As Bucky held her lifeless body that was once warm, and tried praying for the gods, not realizing they were crying with him, because they all knew that the people that screamed their lovers name as they passes were the ones that would never love again, but Bucky was quiet because a part of him died with her that night. Steve stood by him as they all grieved for their death.

Author's note:

Thanks for reading my second book <3 Don't forget to vote and comment.

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