Part 8

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As Freya walked with Thor to her room, she thought of the vision, "It wasn't grief, something happened" she thought. "Freya what's going on? I know you thought of him when you were singing but something happened when you closed your eyes." 

She sighed as they entered her room, "I saw him Thor, I saw him on the throne but he created and illusion so people would see Odin". He tilted his head and shook it slightly "He died Freya, I held him as he died and I saw Father after" Thor closed his eyes like he was reliving his death. "Thor" Freya walked to him "I think something is wrong, I think I should see Odin" he nodded and tried to shake the image of Loki out of his head.

"Tomorrow we leave then" "Thank you bróðir" (brother) She hugged him. "It must be my grief and my subconscious saying I need to talk to him and clear some things". She said trying to comfort him and at the same time, trying to convince herself. He just nodded and kissed her forehead. "I'll leave you so you can rest for your party, goodnight" Thor walked away and before he walked out of the room, he stopped at the door, "Happy one thousand and fiftieth birthday, Dvergar." he said turning to her with a big smile. "Thank you God of Sky Lights" he rolled his eyes and laughed as he closed the door.

That night she didn't sleep well, she kept seeing Loki, she woke up sweating and tried calming down. Freya used her powers and searched for Thor's mind, he was awake at the kitchen, "Thor please come to my room" she said telepathically.

The next minute Thor was rushing inside, "Freya what happened? Are you okay? Why are you awake?" She was trying to fake a smile but her eyes betrayed her and a tear escaped. Thor sat next to her on her bed. 

"Do you miss him?" She said sniffing a bit. "Everyday" he nudged her a bit trying to comfort her, "I thought at first it was one of his jokes, like when he turned into a snake and stabbed me..." he chuckled and she smiled, remembering it was her idea for him to do that prank on Thor. "...But it's not, he didn't come back, Father told me he finally understood Loki, too late I guess, you know sometimes I lay in my bed and just imagine him next to me teasing me that Jane broke up with me" she chuckled and looked up at him. "I think he would've loved to tease you about that". They talked about Loki and Frigga until they saw the sun was starting to shine through her window and they both had to sleep so they wouldn't be exhausted at the party, so Thor headed back to his room.

Unfortunately, Freya couldn't sleep so she put on her head phones and listened to one of her favorite songs, Diamonds by Sam Smith, she was humming the sound of the song, somehow talking about Loki made her calmer, she had already gotten over him but she always thought someday they would be able to patch things up and become friends, at least. That idea was ripped away from her, however, the thought of him resting and finally have peace, comforted her.

  She was abruptly interrupted as Bucky barged in without knocking, "What the-" "Turn it down!" he screamed. She grabbed her phone and paused the song, it was on her headphones and some part of her was curious at his abilities but the other was just mad at him. 

"Thank you" he let out a breath of relief, she noticed how sweaty he was and how his heart was beating fast, he had a nightmare. "Next time knock" "Why" he questioned her, still looking at her with a cold and distance look "It's my room, I could've been with someone" he scoffed and rolled his eyes smiling. "What?" she asked while his face turned into a cocky smile and playful eyes, "You won't have someone here" "Says who?" "Me". She rolled her eyes "Like you have a saying" "I have. You see, Freya, you don't want anyone else here but me" She widened her eyes at his attitude. She felt the urge to kiss him but ignored it, replying him with a scoff. 

"Barnes, the last person I would want close to me would be you" His jaw clenched visibly, "Not like I would want to be close to you, you're so full of it, thinking your better than everyone and pitying me just because of some issues I had, acting like you don't clearly have mommy and daddy issues, wanting to comfort me like you were never comforted by Loki" Freya's heart dropped and she felt anger fill her body. "You're a-" "A what?" Bucky said walking closer to her trying to intimidate her, "Sociopath" He stopped walking and she saw how his expression changed. "You come into my room showing vulnerability and letting me help you with a nightmare, then you completely change just because you like manipulating people and hurting them" His eyes were blank of emotion so he walked away from her but stopped at her door turning his head slightly "I was only nice to you because I pitied you".

Bucky turned completely and leaned on the doorframe, staring at her. "I never wanted to help you, Steve said he would take me for drinks the next day if I was nice to you, and when you didn't let anyone in, they all turned to me, so to answer your annoying little question. I saw you were weak, I am thankful you helped me with the nightmare that night but that just proved to me how easy it is for you to be manipulated. Weak" Freya's eyes went red with anger and wanted to fight him there but knew she would wake up the building so without hesitation she summoned a dagger and threw it next to his head and with magic she slammed the door on his face. She didn't see if the dagger had cut him or not but at that point, she couldn't care less.

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