Part 15

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As they landed, they saw a statue of Loki in a roof of a building. "Thor...." "I think you may be right....unfortunately" He responded as they walked through a crowd of people. Freya noticed there was a play in the front, next to a choir and saw how it was about Loki's death and how Odin was enjoying himself. As the play ended with a monologue which she thought it was hilarious, so hilarious, that her laugh echoed through the crowd and Odin turned worriedly towards them.

"Oh! My son, Thor has arrived! a-and Freya too!" The crowd clapped but many remained uninterested. "Odin! How lovely to see you!" "Freya! You look beautiful as you always do" She smiled fakely and hugged Odin. "Thank you Lo- I mean Odin" She said as she moved away and looked at Thor.

As they both talked for a while, she saw how angry he was which made her nervous. Thor's rath was something very rare but when it appeared it was terrifying. Freya saw as he put his hand behind his neck and threw Mjolnir. Odin was nervous as everyone watched in horror as Loki removed the illusion. "Where 's father?" Loki nervously walked away and looked at Freya searching for some sort of pity which she had none. "I know exactly where he is, but you'll have to change".

As they walked to the Bifrost, Loki fidgeted nervously looking at Freya who was emotionless and not meeting his eyes. "Well you guys..." He said breaking the silence "...smell horrible, Freya, darling, you could've at leats worn those earings I sent you" Freya stopped walking and looked at him, "Don't call me that, you can't call me that anymore after everything you did" "Earings?" Thor said stopping with her and asking curiously. "I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me so I didn't tell anyone." Thor nodded his head and kept walking leaving Loki who was trying to follow them from behind.

"I swear I left him right here" Loki said as they stood in front of a demolished building. "Right here on the side walk or right there where the building is being demolished" Loki crossed his arms and bit his lips trying to think of where his father could be. "Great planning" Thor said looking at him disapprovingly "You planned your death better than this" Freya added earning a chuckle from Thor. "How was I supposed to know? I can't see into the future, I'm not a witch" "No? Then why do you dress like one?" Loki parted his lips trying to find a comeback when Freya's phone rang. "Hey Nat, is everything good?" "How did you pick up? I was going to leave a message in voicemail, wait does Argard have wifi now?" Freya heard from the other end of the line Tony screaming no and someone laughing. "No um- I'm actually here in Midgard now, just tying up some loose ends, guess who we found" "Um Tony's sense of humor?" Freya chuckled as Tony got closer to the phone and faked a forced laughter "No but good one, wait look" She called Natasha back on Face Time and showed her Loki. Natasha widened her eyes and saw the color drain out of Tony's face. "Loki smile to the camera, darling" Freya said sarcastically as he gave a little wave.

"Loki?" She heard someone say from behind the camera, "Um- yeah Bucky come meet Loki" Bucky walked towards the phone and looked at the screen, Freya noticed the shock in his face and tried to ignore him. "Do you guys need help?" "No I think we are just fine, don't you think so, honey?" Thor laughed as Loki rolled his eyes and responded. "Of course, dar-" Before he could finish his sentence some girls asked Thor for a picture and talking about his break up with Jane "She didn't break up with me" He said creating excuses for himself as Tony and Natasha tried holding their laughters which soon disappeared as a golden circle appeared under Loki and making him fall. "Loki?" Thor said poking his umbrella into a piece of paper. "He didn't turn into a paper, dumbass" Freya said picking it up. "Um- Guys we have to go and see about this thing, so I'll call you later, no need to worry, it's only Dr. Strange".

As she ended the call Thor asked who he was, "He is a Master of Mystic Arts, we had study afternoons so I can learn more about Chaos magic and new spells, he's really nice so be on your best behaviour" Freya said as she started walking "C'mon Thor we can't just go using our powers, we have time to go walking, it's only a few blocks away" She said puling him with her.

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