Part 1

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It was 2015, Steve said he had news so they all headed to the meeting room, "Hey Nat!" She ran towards her grabbing her arm playfully "What's going on?". Natasha was serious, she ignored the question and guided her to the meeting.

As they all sat down, she noticed Steve was nervous, she knew she could use her telepathy but she never did it without the persons consent, unless it's an enemy.

 "So uh- as we were investigating Hydra, we found three victims". Her eyes widened in curiosity "They aren't super soldiers, not all of them, um- Wanda and Pietro come in, please". A boy and a girl walked in, they were very weary and Freya felt the girl's powers, it seemed that she noticed Freya's at the same time, she turned to her and tilted her head to the side giving her an inquiring look "This is Wanda, I don't understand where exactly her powers are from but I'm sure Freya can help her with that" Freya nodded and gave Wanda a reassuring smile. "And this is Pietro he has uh- superspee-".

As he was about to finish, Pietro ran through the room, looking at the papers, and staring at each avenger, he was still in superspeed when Freya stood up and walked to him, he was shocked "W-what? How?" "I'm Freya nice to meet you Pietro, I can only stay in this speed for a few moments so go back and let Steve finish, then I'll explain" he gave her a playful smirk and went back.

As he finished, a strong wind went through the room, they all looked through the room to try to understand why, Bruce was fixing the papers and stared at Pietro.

"You said three, where is the other one" Tony asked but already had a hunch of who it was. "Um- actually you've heard of him, Bucky come in" The name did seem familiar, but Freya didn't recognize it, until he came in, his blue eyes were glued to Steve, he felt the stares of everyone, Natasha and Tony shared a strange look.

Bucky noticed Freya and turned to her, locking his eyes with her. She felt as if  her heart had stopped, mesmerized by his blue eyes, they seemed to be so kind and innocent but at the same time there was a darkness. 

He kept staring at her as Steve explained how they found him hiding from Hydra in Romania, "Um Tony I need to talk to you...alone. Freya can you please talk to Wanda and Pietro?" She nodded and walked past Steve and Bucky giving him a small smile which he reciprocated. She felt his gaze on her as she walked out with the twins.

"So now will you explain you powers?" Freya laughed at his impatience "I'm the Goddess of love,  but you can call me Freya " they widened their eyes and shared a look, "How are you a Goddess?" "Well, I was not actually born a Goddess, but Odin rescued me and gave me the title and with it came some extra powers like, telepathy and heart controlling" Pietro widened his eyes in amazement " Heart controlling?" "It means I can slow your heartbeat or speed it up, even stop it." "Can you make someone fall in love with you?".

"No, I can't make anyone fall in love with no one if there is not a spark, or an existing feeling for the person, and I can only make some spells with me, but no love spells ." Wanda nodded and gave her a smile "Can you really help me with my powers?" "Once we understand better your powers we will learn how to nourish them and give you more control" she grabbed Wanda's hands softly "Don't be scared of yourself, you may not have acquired them in the best way possible but you can do so many good things" she smiled and Wanda hugged her suddenly, surprising her but she hugged her back quickly, she looked over at Pietro and extended her arm so he would join them. "You guys are safe here" She whispered.

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