Part 9

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Freya rested for some hours before leaving her room, and headed to the kitchen, where she heard whispers and sushing. As she walked through the door she saw Steve holding a cake with everyone surrounding him smiling at her. "Happy birthday!" They all screamed as she laughed at Thor who picked her up. "I love you systir" He whispered as he pulled away smiling at her, guiding her into the room as everyone hugged and congratulated her. It was weird to hug Bucky in front of everyone and it seemed he enjoyed it for a moment but he still didn't change his cold indifferent approach.

After singing happy birthday they all sat on the couch of the living room and shared stories about Freya, "One time we were at a mission and she was so bored she started to sing One Direction" They all laughed and Thor looked at her confused. "What is this direction?" Freya chuckled and asked J.A.R.V.I.S to play Temporary Fix by One Direction. Everyone laughed as Freya stood up on the couch with Natasha and started singing together.

The night is on your lips and I feel like I'm locked in

There's a million lights, I don't care if they're watching

Your body is saying everything, I don't have to read your mind

As they danced through Harry's verse she looked down at them, "He's coming to party today!" She screamed and giggled as Natasha whispered something teasingly "No! I would never!" Freya answered giggling. "What?" Clint asked curiously. "Oh Freya met him once and fell in love" Tony said as he sipped his coffee and Bucky widened his eyes at her. "I did not fall in love, I just thought he was hot" "And hooked up with him" Natasha added as they sat back down making her giggle. "Multiple times" Freya pushed her lightly trying to make her stop talking which made her do the opposite "God Natasha he's so good, he's addicting" Natasha said with a fake voice tasing her making everyone laugh except Bucky who would just stare at her and clench his jaw. "Natasha! Anyways, nothings happening with him anymore, I have my eye on someone else" She said smiling and glanced quickly at Bucky.

He hoped she was talking about him but at the same time knew it probably wasn't after the fight earlier that day. His heart ignored what his mind was overthinking about and felt his heart beat faster. "Is he coming today?" Sam asked her smiling. She always knew he had a slight crush on her, it was obvious to everyone but she never thought about him that way. "She is" Bucky choked on his tea slightly before speaking up, "She?" He asked shocked. "Yeah Barnes, I'm bisexual, I like boys and girls and lucky for me Natasha's sister is also bi" She smiled looking at Natasha making her roll her eyes.

Bucky nodded and looked over at Steve confused, the 40s weren't very accepting years but he never really judged people. He thought sexuality was a very intimate thing and it wasn't his place to judge anyone but still he was shocked that she was so open about it, histrai of thoughts was interrupted by Natasha speaking up after laughing.

"Not again Freya! Yelena is too young for you" "She's 27! And I'm technically 30 now right?" She looked at the group searching for approval, Tony and Steve nodded and Thor tried doing the math in his head trying to see if she was correct, the rest just stared at Natasha, waiting for a response. "Okay okay! If she makes the first move then you may try to make something happen" Freya cheered and hugged Natasha thanking her.

Freya spent the rest of the morning training or deciding with Tony and Pepper the last details for the party. She had lunch with Thor to talk more about their trip to Asgard "So we'll have to make one stop before going to Asgard" Freya dropped her sandwich looking up at him suspiciously "I have a surprise battle for us, just like the old times" She smiled and grabbed his hand "That is the best present ever, thank you".

As they came back laughing at their old battle stories, she saw Bucky in the living room trying to read a book in a tablet Tony designed. Thor knew about the fight but still wanted to leave them alone to fix things so he gave a poor excuse and left. Freya walked towards him and sat on the couch next to him summoning a book and reading it.

She noticed him struggling and offered him help earning a scoff from him. "What are you trying to read?" Freya asked tired of him being so cold. "The Hobbit" She let out a small chuckle and summoned the physical book for him. Bucky widened his eyes as he grabbed the book that was being handed to him but tried to seem unimpressed. "Thank you, but you know this doesn't make us friends." He said opening the book without looking up at her. "I know. The last thing I would want is to be your friend" Bucky nodded and felt his heart drop but couldn't quite understand why. "Good, because I didn't want to have to break your little pathetic heart again" She rolled his eyes but kept a calm tone when talking to him, trying not to fall into his trap to get her mad "Don't worry about my heart, love, it was never yours to break".

Bucky looked up at her mad "I never worried about you" "Sure" She said sarcastically looking up at him smiling as he raised his voice "You think you're such a hot shit but to me you're just a girl with daddy issues and a fake god complex because your clearly so insecure about yourself that you still need the love and approval of everyone." "Wow James, all that just because I stated the fact that you care about me" He stood up looking down at her angrily as she chuckled at his reaction "I don't care about you" She stood up in front of him and dropped her smile instantly. "Good then you won't mind when I go to Asgard tomorrow and who knows, never come back" His lips parted slightly in shock and he was going to say something but she interrupted him "You know what. I take it back" She looked at the book and purple magic floated around it and then it stopped suddenly making the book drop back at the place he was sitting. She walked back to her room as he grabbed the book and saw how all the pages the same sentence was written with her handwriting "Stop being such a dick". Bucky swore he would never tell her but he thought it was the funniest thing ever.

As the sun set, the girls headed to Freya's room to change together. Wanda was still confused as to what to wear and Natasha was trying to help her as Pepper helped Freya choose between dresses. "I think this silver one would look better on you than the purple" She nodded and giggled as Pepper threw the purple dress at Natasha and grabbed a red lipstick. "A red lipstick it the greatest power a woman can have". Freya smiled as she headed to her bathroom with the lipstick.

As she closed the door and changed, a green box appeared next to the sink with a note. Freya was shocked as she grabbed the note and read it slowly. "See you soon, darling?" She asked herself out loud and widened her eyes noticing who it was, she knew he was alive. Freya opened the box and saw a pair of sliver earings that went perfectly with her dress. As she grabbed them, she felt angry at his games, he will never change she thought as she put the note and the box on the last drawer.

(This was what she was wearing for context)

(This was what she was wearing for context)

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Author's note:

Everything that happened in Black Widow happened already but Natasha went with Yelena after the battle to help them get all the women out of the mind control. Sorry for taking so long to update but I'll try getting the next chapter ready as soon as possible :) don't forget to vote and comment

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