Chapter 18

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"Anyways, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Kango. Hero name, Kanga, also known as Mirko's glorified sidekick."

"I thought she don't do sidekicks?" Izuku pointed out.

The elevator speaker crackled and Ito's voice rang out. "She doesn't. Kango just showed up one day and refused to leave so she's technically part of the agency."

"Meanie!" Kango huffed as the elevator doors slowly opened. "Yeah, that's basically what happened."

"Now, before we continue," Kango dragged Izuku to a small kitchen which was beside a training room.

"Are you sure we can take this?" Izuku asked as Kango took a plate of sandwiches out from the fridge.

"Look, first rule of the kitchen is, 'If there's no name, it's fair game.'" She replied, showing him the plate. "Since there's no name, we can take it. Do you want it or not, otherwise you're gonna have to run down and get take-out like everyone else"

Izuku accepted the sandwich. It was a salami one. Due to his expensive diet, Izuku did not really like the weird spicy yet sweet yet savory sandwich. However, it was food and Izuku was taught not to waste food.

"So," Izuku swallowed his mouthful. "If I write my name on it, I can keep my food?"

"Yeah, but it's not guaranteed." Kango admitted as she dug into someone's obvious lunch bag. "Just eat it as soon as possible since it's going to be eaten anyways."

Izuku broke into a smile. "Okie!"

"KANGO!!!" A sidekick yelled from the doorway, pointing accusingly at the woman whose mouth was stuffed with a frosted cupcake. "Why do you keep taking food out of the fridge when it clearly has my name on it??!"

"Ish waf too clear," Kango replied as she quickly swallowed her food. Grabbing Izuku by his wrist, both of them ran out.

She led Izuku down a set of hallways.

"Room 333... Where on earth is it!" Kango mused. They turned down to the next hallway.

"Wait a second, isn't this the VIP rooms?"

She opened the door. "Wow! I've never been inside a VIP room before!" Kango's eyes sparkled. "Wait a second, why do you have a VIP room? Screw that question, can we have a sleep over?" The woman begged.

Izuku shrugged as he walked in. It seemed normal to him. A living room, bathroom, bedroom, yada yada. Izuku sat his briefcase down.

"I'll give you time to change into something."

Kango left Izuku to change. Izuku took out a set of compressed clothes by your truly Mei. He change from his slightly smelly uniform into a shirt and tights before heading out.

Paperwork. Kango told him, while hiding a badly hidden laugh.

"Every hero has to deal with this, so you have to learn how to do it." Kango told him while giving him a small stack of papers and sat down next him. "These are just a few things you'll have to file as a hero so I'm gonna show you how it's done" She powered up the computer and logged in for him. "These here are the two main types of reports you'll be tasked with turning in after patrols or missions. The Villain report and Damages report." She opened up a certain spreadsheet and began showing the boy how to put in the information correctly.

"Have fun!" Kango beamed before leaving.

Izuku sighed as he picked up a pen and begin his work.

Halfway through, his phone started ringing a tune. Izuku whipped out his phone. A video call, from Kacchan... He thought glumly. Great.

"Kacchan! Hi!"

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