Chapter 14

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The picture is not mine.

"Yo Bakugo!" Kirishima greeted as the blonde packed up for the day. "Where are you heading to?"

"Visiting Izuku," Katsuki grumbled as he flung his bag over his shoulders.

"Bakugo! Blaze is waiting downstairs." Shoto called from the classroom door. 

"Mmn," He responded.

"It's been two days, hasn't he woken up yet?" Kirishima walked alongside the two boys.

"Nope," Shoto responded. "Auntie and Uncle also haven't visited him due to their cramped schedule."

"That is having Pro Heroes as parents for you," Katsuki grumbled. "They seldom have time for you."

Both Katsuki and Shoto have been abnormally quiet these two days. Especially Katsuki. The blond was usually shouting away at the top of his lungs. Everyone was starting to get worried.

"Hey, I'll come with you guys, I haven't seen Midobro since that day-"

"Hey. can I go too?" Mina popped out from around the corner.

"No thanks." Katsuki walked out of the gates with Shoto.

"Please?" Kirishima and Mina begged.

"I said no assholes!" Katsuki snapped, popping mini explosions in his hands. "Which part of 'no' do you not understand?"


Shoto whipped out his phone.

"LET ME SEE!" Katsuki raged.

Shoto handed Katsuki his phone while Kirishima and Mina peeped over his shoulder.


It was a selfie of a more exhausted and scrawnier-looking Izuku giving the camera a peace sign, IV clearly visible in that arm, his neck had a cast and bandages around his chest and wrist. His tongue stuck out impishly from where he lay half-buried in his hospital gown, pillows, and blanket.


I lived.

Katsuki glared at the phone. He was unsure on whether to start crying in joy or explode the phone.

"SON OF A BITCH!" He yelled instead, throwing the phone back to Shoto and sprinting to the car.

"Bakugo?! Wait up!!"

In the end, Katsuki relented and Blaze drove all four of them to the hospital. He had informed Dr. Charles beforehand. The doctor stood waiting patiently at the entrance. He led them down the different hallways to Pro Heroes Private Wards.

They saw Izuku on the bed. 

"Mom? What are you doing here?"

"Hey, Shoto dearie." Rei smiled as she spooned Izuku a mouthful of porridge. 

"Mrs. Todoroki!" Mina and Kirishima greeted enthusiastically.

"Call me Rei."

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, I've been taking care of Izuku for Inko, who is Izuku's mother. Since little Izuku is unable to do much."

"Why?" Mina asked curiously.

"Izuku has a cast around his neck due to obvious reasons. He is also unable to move much without much pain. Don't even bother asking how he had that picture taken." Dr. Charles briskly explained.


"Sports Festival?" Izuku asked.

While the rest had been talking, Katsuki had brisk through what he had missed while he was in the hospital.

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