Chapter 1

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The story does not really follow the original, but the storyline will.

The first Meta Ability was manifested by a newborn baby in Oing Oing City China with the ability to radiate light from its body. After this phenomenon, many people around the world began to manifest different kinds of superpowers, which became known as Meta Ablities. While the cause of this prhenomenon is unknown, it has been theorized that it was caused by the spread of a previously unknown virus carried by mice, although this theory had no hard evidence. The dawn of this extraordinary era was mared by a breakdown of society caused by the sudden ansiaught of criminals empawered by their newfound superpowers" and ordinary people being prejudiced against the new minority.

5% of the population now are still quirkless. These qurkless people, however, were not discriminated, instead, they were protected. Why? You may ask. Well, they are too vulnerable to protect themselves. They also suffer from different problems such as weak immunity, diseases, mental health issues. For people with quirks, their body temperature is way higher to accomodate their quirks. 120°F may be normal to those with quirks, but to the quirkless, they already have a rather high fever.

But being quirkless comes with its own benefits. Such as being protected by the public, having a high intellegence, flexibility and many more.

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