Chapter 11

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"Wakey, wake, boys!" Inko cooed as she gently shook Izuku awake.

Katsuki and Shoto were having a sleepover at Izuku's house. Shoto had his usual rush grass tatami. Katsuki was on his usual memory foam bed.

"Mmh, I'm still sleepy..." Izuku groaned.

"Auntie said wake up, so WAKE UP!" Katsuki yelled as he popped mini-explosions into Izuku's ear.

"Mummy... I still wanna sleep pwease!" Izuku whined as he was dragged leg first towards the elevator.

He was dumped onto his seat in the dining room. He stared at his plate.

"Eat before I shove it down your throat." Katsuki threatened.

Izuku looked around before begrudgingly stabbed at his maple syrup pancakes.

"Yum..." He mumbled before face planting the table again.

Katsuki and Shoto continue to gobble up their breakfast.

A few days before, they had each received a hologram letter. When they opened it, All Might shot out from it, with his disgusting big smile.

"Congratulations, Young Midoriya, you have gotten the highest points in UA and beat the school's record of 119. Welcome to your new Hero Academia!"

"Congratulations, Young Bakugo, you have gotten the second highest points in UA of 110 points. Welcome to your new Hero Academia!"

"Congratulations, Young Todoroki, you have gotten the third-highest points in UA of 98 points. Welcome to your new Hero Academia!"

The boys had cheered loudly. Izuku was a bit upset as he saw the Baboon's face but quickly smiled to not spoil the mood.

Izuku trudged up to his room. Alferdo helped Izuku change into his uniform before struggling to brush his curly green locks.

The trio, with their spirits high, set off happily (into the sunset) to their new school. They took their first step into their new school.

They walked cheerfully towards their classroom.

"Oh, no..." Izuku moaned as he felt something wet.


"I may or may not have wet my pants?" Izuku grinned nervously, pointing his fingers together.

"You WHAT!" Katsuki boomed.

"It's okay, I'll go to the toilet with you. Kats will go up first." Shoto comforted.

While Izuku changed in the toilet with Shoto's assistance, Katsuki made his way to class. He chose a seat and hogged three tables.

After a few minutes, Izuku and Shoto strolled towards Class 1-A. The door was humongous. As they walked closer, they could hear Katsuki's distinctive voice blasting in the classroom.

Izuku instinctively opened the door. To his amusement, Katsuki was sitting with his legs dangling on the table gangster-style. The robot boy was chopping away like there was no tomorrow. The class was crowding around.

"Shut up, RoboCop!" Katsuki screeched in annoyance.

"Not until you get your feet off the desk!" The blue-haired retorted.

"What if I said no. What are you going to do, huh?" Katsuki taunted the latter.

The boy huffed. "Our seniors also use these tables for exams. We must be kind. We must be gracious. We must be good role models. We must be..."

"What school did you even come from," Katsuki asked irritatedly.

"Soumei Private Academy." He puffed out his chest proudly. He started talking out and on about policies.

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