Chapter 10

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"UA here we come!" Izuku squeaked happily as he dragged his two friends by the hands to the entrance. Shoto was dragging his foot while Katsuki was grumbling.

Izuku, being too excited about the exam, literally woke up in the middle of the night to revise his work. The sound of rustling papers kept the older boys up. Izuku had paused for an hour. Just as the boys had fallen into a fitful sleep, Then, Izuku had to make matters worst by waking them up at 6 in the morning by, yup, you guessed it, jumping on them.

"Come on, hurry up!" Izuku pleaded as he tried pulling the two heavy and unwilling boys. He leaned too far back and lost his balance.

Oh, poop! He thought as he found himself falling backward. He squeezed his eyes shut, preparing to hit the hard concrete. But, it never came. He heard Katsuki shouting angrily.

"Stupid nerd!" He barked.

Izuku found himself floating. He looked and saw a pink cheek girl gazing at him worriedly.

"Sorry," she apologized. "I did not want you to fall, it would be such bad luck."

Izuku gave his charming grin. "It's okay!" He chirped as he was dragged off by an angry Katsuki followed by Shoto.

They entered the examination hall. There were rows of tables and chairs in their hundreds. The hall was filled but laughter and chatter. Students of all sizes, looks, and mutations were standing or sitting around or in their seats.

The trio went off to their respective seats, which were in the middle of the rows. Katsuki at the front, Izuku behind, and Shoto on his left.

Soon Present Mic came up onto the stage.

"ARE. YOU. READY?" He screamed into the microphone. Many students covered their ears in agony. Izuku was unaffected. His two months of training with the cockatoo had paid off.

"うるさい (Urusai)" Aizawa grumbled from behind a stage curtain. He was, as usual, dressed as a yellow caterpillar.


Robots came streaming out from behind the curtains. They left a thick wad of papers stapled together.

"さあ、スタート!! (Now, start!)" Present Mic yelled into the microphone which was at maximum volume. Unfortunately, he had forgotten to turn off the microphone which was connected to many overhead speakers.


With everyone's ear, including Izuku's ears ringing or bleeding, they started their paper. Izuku clicked his pen and flipped it open. It was a five-hour-long paper consisting of Japanese, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Quirks History.

Izuku smirked. Easy! He picked up his pen and started scribbling his answers, along with some workings and graphs. In less than two hours, he had finished his paper. He stood up and walked towards Present Mic.

"Little Listener, you finished?" Present Mic asked. His voice was so far from normal, probably since Aizawa was staring at them.

Izuku nodded his head.

"Err... You may go outside for a breather then!" He exclaimed. "I'm sure Lunch Rush has cooked your favorite." He lowered his voice so only the two of them could hear.

"Oh yeah, dad sent his good wishes!" Izuku bid the man farewell and left searching for the cafeteria eagerly.

On the way, Izuku met three maybe third-year students.

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