Chapter 4

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A wonderful sick Izuku chapter...

Izuku's chest rose and dropped erratically. Todoroki and Katsuki could only watch as their friend struggled to breathe. They felt useless, they were unable to protect or help him. Todoroki was busy warming up their shivering friend while Katsuki busied himself patting Izuku's forehead with a cool cloth.

Izuku's POV
When I came to, my head was pounding furiously and it felt hot but I was shivering. My stomach ached and I felt as though my throat was on fire. I weakly opened my swollen eyes with a crack. Tears immediately formed, my pain tolerance was very low. The world seemed to swirl around me. I glimpse Shoto and Kacchan staring concernedly beside me. "W... water..." I mouthed, it was so hard to breathe let alone talk. A teapot with a long sprout was tipped into my mouth. The cool stream of water temporarily soothed my aching throat. Suddenly, my stomach rumbled furiously. Bile started forming in my mouth. I smacked my hand to my mouth, ignoring the pain that shot through me as I desperately tried not to vomit. The foul taste filled my mouth.

When Shoto saw Izuku's actions, he immediately carried his friend to the washroom. He sat Izuku beside the toilet bowl as he rubbed his back soothingly. Katsuki held his fluffy green curls back to avoid staining it. Izuku heaved and vomited. His vomit was lumpy and bloody and... wait was that blood!? Katsuki eyes widened. Pinkish bile dribbled out of his mouth. Izuku felt lightheaded as he struggled to stand. Katsuki gave him a cup of water to rinse before they supported him back to bed. Suddenly, Izuku collapsed.

"Unfortunately, the Young Master seemed to have contracted a rather severe case of stomach flu. According to my clipboard, he has been vomiting blood, having an extremely high fever and stomach cramps." The mansion doctor, Dr. Charles confirmed as he inspected Izuku's condition.

Charles Blanuru:
The mansion doctor specializes in taking care of his favorite and only patient- Izuku or Young Master.
Healer's touch. He can heal any person just by touching them. For severe illnesses or serious injuries, he is unable to do so other than using the magical herbs he grows to create a potion to help relieve their pain.

Dr. Charles left, feeling sad, being unable to help his patient. By the time dinner came, the whole household knew about Izuku's sickness. The maids were all somber. Izuku was their sunshine, always making them happy and ready for work, always asking them about themselves and their family's wellbeing. Like the sweet little bean he is, he does not go ordering his maids around but treated them respectfully. They all prayed for their sunshine to make a speedy recovery. The chefs even made him a special get-well broth for their Young Master.

Inko and Hisashi joined Katsuki and Shoto. It was a Friday, meaning that they had no more Hero Patrolling till Monday. Inko fondled Izuku's hair. An oxygen mask was around his nose and mouth. He had an ice pack wrapped in a towel resting on his forehead. An IV tube was connected to his left arm. Izuku was severely underweight. Even though he was fast asleep, Izuku's face was still contorted with pain. The room was silent, other than the ragged breathing from the small, sick boy. Hisashi paced around nervously. The two boys were allowed to stay for the night, though a certain Trash Can had protested against it.

This went on for the rest of the weekend until Sunday late at night.

"" A faint voice sounded before it went on a coughing spree.

Inko and Hisashi, who came by their son's room to visit immediately rushed to their son's side. Inko used her quirk to get a candle while Hisashi lit it up. A faint orange light flickered.

Inko crawled up onto Izuku's king-size bed and cuddled him. She realized how tiny and frail her son was. Hisashi sat at the edge of his bed, stroking his fluffy green hair.

"Dad, how long was I out for?" Izuku asked weakly, the oxygen mask muffled his words.

"Two days son," Hisashi said.

Izuku's eyes widened. "What happened??" He breathed. That triggered a coughing fit. Izuku coughed for some time, it was phlegmy. He struggled to breathe through the oxygen mask. After a while, he calmed down and tried to catch his breath.

"Well, you seemed to have caught a bad case of the stomach flu," Hisashi sighed as he looked away. "It hurts to see you suffer..." He took out a cup and slid a small piece of ice into Izuku's mouth.

Inko took Izuku carefully into the bathroom. As he was still attached to the IV tube, oxygen mask, and a few more, she decided to give him a nice cool bath. They took his temperature earlier and it was still 103.1°F. She lay Izuku onto his big bathtub and filled it with cool water. She took a soft towel and gently scrubbed Izuku's body. She lathered his curly hair, which gave off bubbles that caused him to giggle weakly. The cool water against his hot sweaty skin helped. While his wife was tending to Izuku, Hisashi got Alferdo to bring up a clean set of pajamas, some food, and new bedsheets. He proceeded to heat the room with his quirk to give a comforting atmosphere to Izuku.

Izuku stumbled dizzily back to his bed with the help of his mother. His head was spinning and he felt queasy. He passed out from exhaustion the minute his head touched his pillow. The sheets had been changed and food was steaming. He had changed into his silk pajamas. His IV bag was hooked back to his headboard. Izuku forced open his eyelids. His father had a bowl of broth waiting for him. Hisashi blew at the broth, cooling it before waiting at Izuku's mouth. He tiredly opens his mouth with a crack. He felt the smoothness of the clear broth as it trickled down his throat. He swallowed it with much difficulty. His throat still ached. His mother patted him on his head. This continued a few more times. Finally, he could not take it anymore. Although he was starving, his throat burned whenever he tried swallowing. Inko cradled him to sleep.

While Izuku slept, his worried parents talked softly among them.

"I'm worried for my baby..." Inko silently sobbed as she hugged a sleeping Izuku tighter. Hisashi went to Izuku's other side and comforted her.

"It will be alright, my love," Hisashi murmured sweet nothings into her ear. For the rest, of the night, the family of three slept on Izuku's bed.

The next day...

That day, it rained heavily. The mood was rather depressing. While Izuku slept, Dr. Charles attached him to another IV tube. Why when he is sleeping? Izuku has a phobia for needles which sends him into a panic attack. They watched as the IV tube slowly dripped, the nutrients slowly made their way into his bloodstream.

Katsuki, Shoto, and Fuyumi came by. Being the Number 2 and Number 10 Pro Hero certainly has its disadvantages. Fuyumi, being the older and more sensible one out of the three, was tasked with looking after Izuku. It broke their hearts when Alferdo opened Izuku's bedroom door to reveal the poor bean connected to so many tubes. Shoto and Katsuki used their quirks to rush over to Izuku's side. Izuku slowly opened his eyes to see his frantic friends.

"Hey... guys..." Izuku slowly spoke, his voice distorted as he still had his oxygen mask on.

"Izuku!" They squealed. Fuyumi smiled as she walked over and gave him a cup of warm water.


"Damn nerd, you made me so worried." Katsuki berated Izuku.

Over time, Izuku slowly recovered. Due to his weak immunity, he was to only eat soft food that his chefs prepare. His fever subsequently went down, the burning sensation in his throat and the stomach cramps stopped over time.

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