Chapter 13

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While all those were happening, Mineta was still whining about the villains. No wonder his costume was a metal diaper-looking thing.

Tsu looked at Izuku. He was busy murmuring to himself.

"Well, the villains look to be more of a water-type quirk, meaning that they expected a fight underwater, right?"

"That means that the enemies only started recruiting after doing the recon in the facility..." Tsu asked.

Izuku nodded his head. "They must have planned everything out with the info they obtain... but..."

'But what?" Mineta interrupted again, again earning himself another whack. Izuku did not see that or he would be scolding Tsu now.

"But why did they put Tsu with us? This is a water area, shouldn't they put her at the fire zone" Izuku paced around, slightly rocking the ship. "That means that they do not know our quirks at all. They just throw us to different areas expecting the villains there to kill us."

"So, you're saying that the enemies do not know our quirks?" Tsu confirmed. She imagined herself if they knew her quirk, she would be at the fire zone. She shuddered at that gruesome thought.

"So, their strategy is to separate us into smaller groups to take us down. But we have the upper hand." Mineta realized after he stopped whining.

Suddenly, a large hand made of water slammed into the ship. The ship rocked violently.

"I can't wait much longer, let's destroy the ship!" The user of that quirk called to his gang.

The three of them grabbed onto a railing to steady themselves. But the ship was about to capsize. Izuku's gears whirled as he thought of a plan.

"All Might once said that the best opportunity to attack is when the enemies think they are winning."

Izuku's arms started shaking. A wide grin formed on his face. Soon, he was laughing maniacally.

"What are you doing?" Mineta groaned, tears still streaming down his cheeks.

Izuku stepped onto the railing and continued laughing.

The villains at the bottom stared at the kid in a mix of surprise and delight. What is this kid doing? Anyway, it's chow time.

Izuku jumped into the water. He may be powerful, but One For All uses a huge amount of stamina. Outside, the flood zone, there are also a lot of enemies. He can't waste all his energy in just one area!

He's shaking too. Mineta's eyes widened. He's just as scared as I am.

"Delaware Smash!" Izuku screeched as he flicked towards the water. A gigantic whirlpool formed, dragging the villains down. However, they were water-type quirk and managed to swim out.

"Mineta, NOW!"

Tsu jumped upwards, her hands carried Mineta by his scruff. She used her long tongue to wrap around Izuku's waist. When they got closed enough, Mineta started pulling out the purple balls from his scalp. His scalp bled while he wept but he still persevered. If Midoriya could do it, he could too.

The villains could not avoid the sticky balls. One by one, they got stuck to it. One by one, they were dragged into the whirlpool.

Izuku heaved a sigh of relief as they got to the shore.

The villains grumbled as they were stuck next to each other due to Mineta's quirk.

"I took a really clean dump this morning, so they should be stuck together all day." Mineta sighed as he was dragged up by Tsu.

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