Chapter 7

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15 February

Less than 2 months left before the school year starts.

The trio was busy practicing their quirks. Katsuki was in the steam room of the Midoriya household backyard. Every time he had enough sweat, he would go to a grass patch and start giving off his biggest explosions. Shoto was sitting in a barrel of warm water which regulated his body temperature as he sent out an alternative of ice and fire around him.

Izuku was in sitting in the middle of his private backyard. It was a large patch of field that was near the forest and was hidden by the Midoriya's tall walls. The entrance was a small hole in the wall at a secluded corner and was covered by long vines and fern. Izuku sat down, enjoying the peacefulness as he attempted to remember the names of his power, which he decided to call 'Angel's Gift'. He called out all their names.

"Come out!"








All the (let's call them Guardians, shall we?) Guardians came out from Izuku's shadow as soon as their names were called. They bowed down as they appear. Sylvia, unless she was in a large body of water, was in a small rock pool that could move along with her.

"Okay, so umm... First of all, Al, I summon you over here."

"Yes, My Lord," The pink glitter smoke shimmered into view as the dictionary- box- machine- magic whatchamacallit floated over. After performing the regular checks, Al floated a fresh notebook that was titled- Guardians to Izuku. He twirled his pen between his fingers.

"Now that I am ready, let's start with... Celtic!"

Celtic came forth and stood proudly as she watch her Young Lord analyzing her magnificent (not) feathers.

"Celtic is a Phoenix. Her amber eyes are so hypnotizing, this will deceive the attackers while her crimson feathers have time to be heated and molded using her flames into sharp blades. She has enhanced strength, regeneration, the proficiency to control fire. She can incinerate anyone in a single touch. Her tears can heal wounds or raise the dead. She prefers to eat fruit extract and rare spices." Izuku muttered as he reached out to nuzzle Celtic beak lovingly.

"Celtic, would you mind showing off some of your moves? But try to minimize damage, thank you!" Izuku noted as he scribbled into his notebook.

First, Celtic created a fire tornado. Then she molded her feathers and shot a nearby rabbit, nearly killing it. Feeling sad, she shed a tear and it was revived.

"Err...Frostine, take care of Celtic. Kurama, you're up."

Kurama came strutting in on all fours. He allowed his pride to let Izuku pick him up. Izuku cradled him as he analyzed.

"Kurama." He muttered softly. "Your gold fur is so soft and silky. You can shapeshift into humans.  You can see and hear anything happening anywhere in the world. You can become invisible and create illusions. However, you are weak to earth types. You like to eat fried tofu, but I certainly can't give you people life forces, so my sincerest apologies."

"Sylvia! It's your turn!" Izuku called

Sylvia created a small pond beside Izuku and swam gracefully towards him.

"You galaxy-colored ocean waves hair is so glamorous. So you can do mind-reading, flying, invisibility, shapeshifting, controlling nature, and heal others. As a half siren, you can manipulate others by singing. You hate fire as it dries up your skin."

"Frostine!" The ice dragon cane plundering over. She gently scooped up her Young Lord with her claws and placed him on her scaly back.

"Frostine, You remind me of an ice Disney princess I watched with my parents! Do you like to eat rabbits? Hmm... Yeah... 37 feet tall... Your scales help shield you from the cold and weapons. Your breath can freeze a man in less than a heartbeat. You can create hail storms when angered. If the temperature reaches 104°F, your kind will perish. But since you're immortal..." Izuku scratched his head furiously.

"Flash" The 5 foot 11 golden eagles perched on Izuku's arm. "You can fly up to 198 miles per hour. A whopping 1200 pounds of crushing power. Your stealth-like techniques to cut off your prey or attacker along with a nosedive. When you beat your wings, it can produce an air force to send your enemies flying. You like freshly killed rabbits... You can roam the forest if you like and eat as many." As Izuku said the last part, he swore he saw Flash shed a happy tear.

"Fang, as an Alpha werewolf, you can control your pack with a howl and do your bidding." Izuku had noticed the red streaks of fur at his ears and tail. "You have super hearing, smell, and sight. Speaking of sight, you can see infrared waves. You can also shapeshift any part you like. As a member of the shadows, you can appear and disappear in the shadows. When being in a shadow, the darker, the more powerful you get. Strongest in full moons and uncontrollable in blood moons. Weak to silver and iron. And you love deer and rabbit meat."

"Okay, you guys can wander around and do whatever you feel like doing," Izuku called.

"Yes My Lord."


"So sweetie, how was practice?" Inko asked as she tucked Izuku to bed.

"Mmn... " Izuku mumbled as he smack his lips. Supper was banana in sugar with creamy milk. "I analyzed them" He slurred before falling asleep. Inko shook her head, smiling fondly as she switched off the only glowing lamp in the room before heading out.

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