Chapter 4

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I'm standing in the middle of a field and I can only say one word to describe it.


Around me there are a myriad of flowers, a couple of feet away there's a wooden arch with light pink and white roses around the arch and there's a beautifully wooden carved bench behind the arch but above the bench there's a stunning big blossom tree.

Everything is just so pure, gentle, safe like nothing can hurt me. I make my way through the arch to sit on the bench that's under the blossom tree and I just look, and admire.

A soft breeze caresses my skin and hair, I smile, lean back against the bench and close my eyes, in content with my surroundings.

'I wish I can stay here'.

But I can't, at some point I'll have to wake up and I might not dream about this again, but I'll always remember.

Eyes still closed I feel a harsh strong breeze hit me, I instantly sit up and see things are dying, from a distance there's a dark cloud covering the beautiful blue sky.

As the cloud comes closer I see that everything that the cloud passed is now dead everything's, the daisy's now dead and wilting away, the trees that was once full of life, is dead.

It's destroying life, my eyes start to water a bit.

'Why is it destroying everything?'.

'Why is it ruining life'.

'Where did it come from?'.

I jump out of my thoughts and back into reality, my eyes widen as the cloud is so close to me. I panic and I run as fast as I can away from that cloud the adrenaline is pumping throughout my whole body my main focus is to get out.

As I'm running I try to pinch my arm to wake up but it isn't working, the cloud is so close behind me, I try to run faster but my energy is starting to run out. I trip and roll on the ground, I gasp as the cloud passes over me.

I am now with the dead, I thought it would kill me like it killed the rest of life now its just cold, scary, empty...lost.

Being so cold goosebumps form everywhere on my body and since I'm somehow in a dress I don't have anything to cover me up so I can get semi warm. I jump as a loud thunder rippled through the dark cloud.

Things start to look blurry, I realise that it's fog, I can vaguely see the dead flowers and trees. My head whips around when I hear a whisper.


I look around to try and find the source of who the voice belongs to, it sounded like a man.

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