Competition and Stealth

Start from the beginning

"I... don't see what you see." Ark nearly fell over while Mordred looked at him with a raised eyebrow. She honestly couldn't see what her brother was seeing. Everyone walked normally and she didn't know how someone carried themselves.

"Idiot." Ark muttered before straightening himself and put an arm around Mordred and pointed at a guy who was a few feet away. "See that guy, look how he carries himself unlike the other people around him." Mordred followed Ark's finger and saw a guy and her brother was right that guy did stand out. It was easy to spot now that Ark was directing her.

She noticed how the guy looked extremely confident in himself unlike the people around him who were deathly nervous about this competition. "Now look at his weapon." She glanced down to see a shortsword strapped to the guy's hip, but instead of the usual dull handme down weapon, it looked extremely sharp and lethal. "See what I mean, but then again looks can be deceiving and that guy could just be cocky." Ark said with a shrug.

"Ok... so why are you telling me this?" Ark groaned and faceplamed. Taking a deep breath he lowered his hand and gave Mordred a blank stare. "H-hey what's with the look!" Mordred frowned and narrowed her eyes at him.

"Nothing, just staring at an idiot, did Mor... Mother ever teach you about observing your opponents?" All he received was another raised eyebrow. "I'll take that as a no, ok, I'll give it too you in the most simplest words, look over your opponents and think about what fighter they could be... that's it." Mordred just looked more confused.

"Mordred!" The duo looked over to see a older man hold a piece of paper meaning he was calling names for the competition.

"Well this is it." Mordred said smirking once again her confidence back in full swing. "You're going to watch me fight right?" Ark shrugged and nodded his head making the Female's grin widen even more. "Good, cause your about to see me wipe the competition." She marched away with such confidence that it practically hurt Ark's eyes.

"She is way to confident in this." Ark mumbled as he was about to walk in the observing area, but a hand covered in armor landed on his shoulder as people around him gasped. A long sigh left Ark's lips as he glanced behind him to see Artoria in all her armor. Rolling his eyes he turned to the female and crossed his arms.

"Yes?" Ark asked with no ounce of respect of care making the on lookers glare at him, but he could give less of a shit. "Do you need something King Arthur?" He watched as the female stared at him for a few seconds before looking to the side making Ark look too and deadpan. "Merlin." The wizard walked up with a twinkle In his eyes that didn't at all fit.

"Yes, hello my little Apprentice." Ark glared at him, he hated when the wizard called him that then again Ark called him dick wizard, this was probably payback. "You see, King Arthur here saw you here by yourself and wished to invite you on joining him in watching the competition." There was silence as everyone stared at Ark who had a deadpan look on his face.

"Thanks, but I'm fine with watching my "brother" in the stands like the others." Ark turned and started to wall away. He was purposely avoiding the King and it seems his plan was working, Artoria was getting more and more curious about him. It even got to the point that the King would interrupt Ark's training and watch him closely.

All according to plan.

"Now hold on my Apprentice." Ark paused and looked back towards Merlin who was smirking at him knowing full well what his intentions are. "We insist you come because you are my Apprentice and I shouldn't neglect my student." The younger male smirked slightly before shaking his head.

"Fine." Ark turned back around and walked towards Merlin who was grinning at Artoria who kept her blank face. She watched as Ark passed her with Merlin close behind. She turned towards her subjects who were still staring at her in awe. She turned without a word and followed the duo.

Fate: Merlin's ApprenticeWhere stories live. Discover now