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Disclaimer: Penthouse story and characters are not mines. I'm just a big SeokRona fan who still can't move on from them ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Please forgive grammar mistakes and typos. (^_^)



Seokkyung waited in front of the girls' toilet not far from her class. She glanced at her phone checking the time, there was still half an hour before the first class started. She looked in the direction where the school entrance was located, the figure of the person she was waiting for had not yet arrived. She could have contacted the person she was waiting for via her phone but she didn't have that person's phone number. She could also have asked the person's number to the class president but because of her big ego, she overruled the options.

While looking in the direction of the entrance, she recalled the incident this morning before she left for school. Her brother's late return home made the air last night a little less nice. Her brother's girlfriend suddenly hysterically beat her brother shortly after he entered the house. Actually, Seokkyung felt represented by Rona who repeatedly beat her brother with her slippers because her brother not only worried Rona but also herself and her mother. However, Rona who was crying while beating him looked very odd and she felt that there would be another problem between her brother and his girlfriend. Seokkyung's suspiciousness seems to be right because at breakfast this morning the two of them were quiet without discussing last night's events. Her mother didn't even talk about it, so she didn't even dare to ask.

The problems that happened to her brother and his girlfriend didn't seem to make them enemies as before because Rona still went with her brother instead of her. Maybe this was because her mother had a private talk with Rona before they left. Because after all, Rona went to school again only two days after the incident she was attacked. Her brother had to stay by her side to look after and protect her. Her mother also seems to have provided her person to keep watch around the school. Secretary of Logan (who until now Seokkyung didn't understand the relationship between her mother and him) was also at the school. Seokkyung had already guessed for sure this was a plan that had been prepared by her mother, and possibly her brother as well.

Seokkyung already guessed that her brother had found something or rather found the real culprit of the terror case against Rona, that's why she was now waiting for someone in front of the empty girls' toilet (she has kicked other students out several times to use another toilet). When Rona talked to her mother, her brother told her a plan and she couldn't help but follow his wishes because he desperately needed her help. She chuckled because he said that this was her speciality. In the end, she will use her cunning nature for good.

The person she was waiting for was seen walking towards her. The glimpse of a boy she had just gotten to know more closely. Seokkyung was forced to ask for his help because for now, only he can help her in carrying out her plan because her partners in crime (other Hera Palace kids) could no longer be asked for help. That's why Bae Joonyoung is the right person. Seokkyung noticed the boy who was now approaching her, physically he was actually more attractive than some of her classmates, even more attractive than Lee Minhyuk and Ahn Eunhoo.

"Ah." Seokkyung realized when she compared Bae Joonyoung to Ahn Eunhoo, why didn't she ask Ahn Eunhoo to help her? After all, Ahn Eunhoo and his friends will always obey Seokkyung's orders. She convinced herself that she chose Bae Joonyoung on purpose because for now, he was the person she trusted the most even though she only knew him yesterday compared to Ahn Eunhoo who she had known since 1st year.

Seokkyung looked at the figure of Bae Joonyoung who was walking towards her.

'Are you sure it's because you trust Bae Joonyoung more than Ahn Eunhoo?' She asked herself.

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