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Disclaimer: Penthouse story and characters are not mines. I'm just a big SeokRona fan who still can't move on from them ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Please forgive grammar mistakes and typos. (^_^)



Seokkyung hung up the phone and stared at it for a moment. Her mother informed her that she would be arriving at her school soon. Previously she had called her and told her mother what had happened. She also convinced her mother that the school would help them catch the culprit. Moreover, if the school does not want to help, Mr Jung, who was with her earlier, had told her that he would check the CCTV and promised to secure it before being touched by others like the incidents that happened in Cheong A in the past. Seokkyung walked back to the medical room to accompany Rona because her free math class had not yet finished. She was surprised to see Jeni was peeking into the medical room, so she approached her.

"Why don't you just come in?" Seokkyung asked her former friend, making her surprised to see her behind her. She caught a glimpse of Jeni's facial expression before Jeni covered it with a poker face. She then saw Jeni instead of coming to the medical room, walking away from it.

"Rona is fine, the doctor said there was no need to go to the hospital because luckily she was saved quickly. I will tell you if that's what you want to know." Seokkyung observed closely at Jeni's face. She knew that Jeni didn't think she would tell her about Rona's condition, or maybe her former friend didn't even think that she knew that Jeni was worried about Rona.

"Tch, who said I want to know Rona's condition." Seokkyung saw Jeni walk quickly to avoid her after replying to her words earlier. And Seokkyung just shook her head.


Seokkyung went into the medical room and sighed when she saw her brother was already beside Rona's bed holding her hand.

"Don't you still have to lie down? The doctor told me that the wound on your head can still cause dizziness so you should lie down for some time." Seokkyung walked over to her brother and tilted her head to see the wound on her brother's head. However, because her brother's hair covered the wound, she tried to move it so she could see his wound.

"I'm fine." Her brother dodged it before she managed to touch his hair. Annoyed, she then grabbed her brother's face and turned it towards her so she could see the wound on his head.

"But still you need to lie down. Your head was bleeding earlier." She let go of her brother's head after seeing that the wound on her brother's forehead had been covered by bandages.

"I said I'm fine." She saw her brother looking back at Rona who was sleeping on her bed.

"Tch." Seokkyung could only scoff at his words.

"Rona's stubbornness was transmitted to you." Seokkyung commented on her brother's behaviour irritably. She waited for his denial but her brother remained silent.

"Mother is on her way here. She will be here soon." Seokkyung told her brother about the conversation with her mother on the phone earlier as she took a chair behind the curtain and put it beside Rona's bed so she could sit next to her brother.

"Did she say something?" Her brother still looked at Rona, not her, even though the question was for her, not his girlfriend.

"She won't stay still before the school finds the culprit. She even threatened that if the school was not good at handling this problem, she would involve the police." Seokkyung also looked at her brother's sleeping girlfriend. She saw that Rona's neck was given a neck brace. Previously the doctor said that her neck was not broken, but she was still given a neck brace just in case. Maybe it's for the best because it covered the strangled mark around Rona's neck from the incident earlier.

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