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Disclaimer: Penthouse story and characters are not mines. I'm just a big SeokRona fan who still can't move on from them ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Please forgive grammar mistakes and typos. (^_^)



Seokhoon walked irritably towards where he parked his motorbike.

"What? It will stop by itself if you let it go?" Seokhoon talked to no one before he stopped walking and shook his head.

"She's really… Aargghhh!" Seokhoon shouted in frustration.

Seokhoon then lowered his head while holding his waist, the grey motorcycle jacket which is one of his favourites hanging from his arm. After a moment of silence, Seokhoon sighed and then walked towards the side of the field. He didn't want to go home before cooling down his head because he would meet Rona later until dinner, at least that's what happens regularly. Although there's also a possibility that he won't meet Rona after remembering that Rona missed breakfast with his family this morning. If she could do that, she also could have given an excuse not to have dinner tonight.

Seokhoon slowly walked up the steps of the stands beside the field one by one. After finding a position that he thought was right, he sat down. He looked at the field which was getting crowded with students playing basketball on the court. Whether it's part of the lesson or just playing. He remembered again how he loved watching Rona doing her punishment picking trash in the field in front of him, things that maybe made him start to like her. 

After loosening his tie and taking off two first of his uniform buttons, he then lay down and closed his eyes, feeling a hot sun touch his face. He chose a place that he thought was shady enough for him to do this, turned out it was still bright enough for him, but then it didn't matter for him. Right after he closed his eyes, he felt a shadow covering his face and he opened his eyes instantly thinking there's someone covering his face and that someone is the one that he missed. He felt disappointed when he knew it wasn't her. It turned out, it's just clouds covering the sun.

He missed her! He just realized that he missed her, not missing her presence because obviously they still met. It's more like missing talking with her, teasing her, laughing with her or doing nothing important together. And it's just one day but he missed her already. Seokhoon only sighed. He put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes again, feeling the hot sun that was being covered by the clouds.

After a few minutes he closed his eyes, the event that had happened at the dining table this morning had flashed through his mind. He opened his eyes slowly. Even though he said it was his fault and he didn't blame his mother, he knew exactly that the words he said to his mother this morning might have hurt her. His 'emotional moment' led him to corner his mother's decision two years ago about her hiding herself and faking her death. He didn't think that his mother might also be in a lot of trouble at that time and keeping it a secret was the best way. Scratch that! Actually, he thought about it, his mother's decision to keep quiet and keep her life a secret from her children was the best decision at that time, even he admitted it. After all, her mother managed to save Rona with her fake identity. She also managed to get his father arrested and put him in jail. He was just looking for possibilities that it was not entirely his fault. But then as he said before, it was all his fault. He's too coward.

Seokhoon sighed before finally getting up from his lying position. He took his phone and called his mother. After a few rings, his mother picked up.

"Hello." His mother's soft voice was heard from the other part of the phone. But Seokhoon was still silent, still thinking about what to say. He rethought the decision to talk on the phone instead of speaking directly in front of her.

For Us [Penthouse - Seokrona AU]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن