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Disclaimer: Penthouse story and characters are not mines. I'm just a big SeokRona fan who still can't move on from them ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Please forgive grammar mistakes and typos. (^_^)



Fifteen minutes already Seokkyung was in Rona's apartment, and Rona still hasn't finished getting ready. Seokkyung, who was sitting casually looking at fashion sites from her phone, was surprised when she heard the doorbell ringing. Her alertness appeared.

"Rona, are you waiting for someone?" Seokkyung asked while looking at the monitor.

"Ah! Yes, I ordered tteokbokki." Rona answered from her room.

"But he doesn't look like a food delivery man. He's too neat and formal for being a delivery man?" Seokkyung stared at the monitor suspiciously.

"Because your brother made a rule that if there is a delivery person for goods or food, they have to go through the security office. So the one who delivered it to my apartment was the security guard. Try asking his name, the one who always comes here is Mr Han." Rona said while coming out of her room.

Seokkyung pressed a button on the monitor to ask what the name of the man in the black suit is. But before she could answer, Rona was already behind her and said. "Yes, that's Mr Han. Can you take the order, please?" Rona went back into her room.

Seokkyung mumbled, "Now I'm really like my brother, suspicious and willing to be ordered by Rona" she then walked towards the door.

Shortly after receiving the food, when she wanted to go back into Rona's apartment, Seokkyung saw Jeni walking towards her apartment.

"Did you just arrive? It turns out that taking the bus is that long, huh?" Seokkyung mocked her but Jeni ignored her.

"You're not being given a ride by a stupid guy named Minhyuk? What an ungrateful brat he is after you've defended him from me. That's why try to be wise to choose a friend, will you?" Seokkyung gave Jeni a smirk before going into Rona's apartment.

"Do you feel you're a wise person by choosing a friend like Rona?" Jeni replied.

"I don't know, maybe. Because I didn't leave the people who helped me when I was bullied and chose to be friends with my bullies again." Seokkyung shrugged her shoulders.

"You are funnier, you know? From someone who bullied Rona now turned into her slave." Jeni responded by pointing at the plastic filled with tteokbokki, which made Seokkyung annoyed. Before Seokkyung had time to reply, Jeni continued her sentence.

"You have hated Rona for years. You have been at the forefront of bullying Rona. Even after Rona's mother was proven not to kill your mother, you were still bullying her even more. Have you forgotten?" Jeni tried to attack Seokkyung, but Seokkyung casually answered.

"Yes, maybe because I'm a wise person. I know what I did was wrong." Seokkyung answered her with an obvious expression to mock her.

Jeni smiled sarcastically at Seokkyung's answer "Tch, it's because your mother is still alive, if your mother still dies. I'm sure you will still hate her, no matter how Rona's mother proves you wrong that it was your father who tried to kill your mother. I'm sure you hate her even more." Jeni opened the door to her apartment. After a brief pause, she turned to Seokkyung.

"I may not be a wise person, let alone a good person. But I'm not a self-righteous person like you, Seokkyung-ah. You're a hypocrite." Jeni went into her apartment, leaving Seokkyung annoyed by what she said.

Seokkyung entered Rona's apartment in a deep irritation. She's regretting her decision to confront Jeni.

"Who do you think you are, dare to speak to me like that?" Seokkyung grumbled.

"What did Han ahjussi say that made you pissed off like that?" Rona was amazed to hear Seokkyung grumbling when entering her apartment.

"Not him, ah never mind I don't want to discuss it! Here, the order! It's your fault for telling me to take this order." Seokkyung placed the tteokbokki annoyedly on the dining table.

"You carry it, I have a lot of things to bring. My hands are full. Look at this luggage." Rona showed her bags.

"Do you just think I'm your slave?" Seokkyung who was still upset shouted at her.

"Of course not! You're my friend. Because you are my friend I buy food from your favourite shop and order your favourite menu. So at least you can bring it, right?" Rona casually replied, leaving Seokkyung lost for words.

"Why are you still not moving? We need to go to the Penthouse, your mother must be waiting for us."  Rona waited for Seokkyung to leave her apartment.



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