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Disclaimer: Penthouse story and characters are not mines. I'm just a big SeokRona fan who still can't move on from them ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Please forgive grammar mistakes and typos. (^_^)



Seokhoon walked down the corridor of his school. His sister had gone home nearly half an hour ago while he was playing the piano first to clear his head. Before going home, Seokhoon would stop by the security room first to check the CCTV. He couldn't stop thinking that the school was very slow in dealing with the case of terror against Rona even though his mother had threatened the school yesterday. He could have asked directly about the progress of their investigation, but he was no longer dependent on them. It was clear that they seemed to be stalling for a time even though they had enough to check the CCTV so the problem would be resolved. If later he won't be allowed to see CCTV records, he would meet the school authorities. 

When he was walking, he bumped into one of the staff who came out of the cleaning room next to one of the classrooms. Seokhoon just bowed down understandingly when the person apologized for bumping into him.

Shortly after the man walked past he saw that his hand had bite marks. He stopped and looked at the person walking away from him. Rona said that she had bit the culprit. Seokhoon silently followed him. Luckily that person seemed not aware of Seokhoon's presence behind him when he entered the empty classroom and started cleaning it.

Seokhoon caught a glimpse of that person doing his job and then looked for a hiding place waiting for him to leave the classroom so he could follow him. When he was hiding while watching the person, Seokhoon realized something. The cleaning staff might be someone who might be the culprit of Rona's terror in the classroom because he can freely enter and leave the classroom. He might have just put a doll on Rona's table before the student came. Seokhoon was silent for a moment, but the cleaning staff couldn't casually enter the classroom while school was still going on, so carrying out the second and third terror was difficult for him to do.

If for the second and third terror wasn't him as the culprit, then who? Seokhoon was still paying attention to the person who was still concentrating on cleaning the classroom. He then saw the side of the person. Wait! Seokhoon felt like he had seen that person. His forehead furrowed trying to remember where he had seen that person.

The incident when he met Mr Ma before had crossed his mind. Seokhoon looked back to see the person more clearly. It was him whom Mr Ma met before. Did he just happen to be scolded by Mr Ma, because that one teacher is an annoying person who feels that he is above everyone else so it's his habit to look down on other people or do they actually have something?

Seokhoon then saw him leaving the classroom. He studied the man from head to toe, comparing his posture with Rona's attacker yesterday. To convince himself, Seokhoon began to walk closer to him. Once near him, he patted his shoulder.

"Excuse me." Seokhoon saw the man got surprised to see Seokhoon greet him.

"Yeah?" Seokhoon observed the body language of the man who turned around and asked him. Reading the nametag 'Byung Kitae', Seokhoon tried to remember.

"Can I ask something?" While asking, Seokhoon tried to look at the man's hand but he put his hand in his pocket. His immediate move made Seokhoon have a suspicion of him. The man just nodded.

"You know me, right?"

And the man nodded again in response to Seokhoon's question.

"Do you clean my classroom?"

To the question Seokhoon just asked, the man briefly widened his eyes and answered.

"For Monday, Wednesday and Friday."

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