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Disclaimer: Penthouse story and characters are not mines. I'm just a big SeokRona fan who still can't move on from them ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Another short chapter.

Please forgive grammar mistakes and typos. (^_^)



Joo Seokhoon was satisfied with his work in front of him. Looking at the watch on his hand, he managed to complete multiple tasks in half an hour. Even then, he had time to rest for lunch. He brought his lunch here earlier. If other students saw him, they might faint to see someone like Joo Seokhoon eating lunch not far from the garbage disposal place. But he didn't care, he felt more at peace and quiet eating alone here. He looked at the work he was doing, and he smiled broadly. He would definitely show off to his girlfriend later when he comes home from school. At least it might make Rona forget about the bad incident that happened to her yesterday.

Seokhoon was very grateful that his girlfriend wasn't attending school today, allowing Seokhoon to carry out the punishment without feeling anxious. Although he surely knew that if Rona went to school today, he would not leave her side. Rona inevitably had to agree with him and his overprotective behaviour. Seokhoon then stopped for a moment, Rona didn't refuse his request this morning. If she wanted to go to school then she must be ready to accept his overprotectiveness. She didn't argue, let alone stubbornly reject it. He questioned the change in his girlfriend's attitude that had started to accept what he said. He thought back to what happened at the cemetery yesterday morning, could she have followed his demands because she finally understood the reason? Whatever it is, Seokhoon will probably find the answer by asking Rona later. But for now, all he had to think about was catching the culprit of the terror against his beloved girlfriend.

The distance from the garbage disposal area behind the school with his class is actually not that far, but also not close which requires enough time to walk. However, Seokhoon would need more time walking from where he did his punishment to his class because he stopped by the gym first to see the scene of Rona's incident. Arrived at the school gym, he looked around and found a CCTV camera in front of the gym. Knowing this, Seokhoon walked towards the security office to ask about the CCTV record of that day. Before he could go there, the bell was ringing indicating the lunch break was over. He decided to go to class first and would go to the security office later after school.

On his way to his class, he saw Mr Ma seemed to be scolding a cleaning staff. Seokhoon narrowed his eyes and watched him, but unfortunately, he couldn't hear their conversation. He tried to approach them, the cleaning staff in front of him had his back on him and Mr Ma was in front of the man. However, Mr Ma had noticed his presence before Seokhoon could approach him.

"Ah, Joo Seokhoon…" Seokhoon looked at his teacher with his usual acting and tone when he called out his name even though now he looked even more nervous than usual.

Seokhoon saw his teacher telling the staff to leave so Seokhoon only glanced at the staff's face. He also walked over to his teacher who was standing nervously in front of him. Seokhoon observed his teacher from head to toe, in his mind he was comparing his physique with yesterday's attacker. He also glanced at his hand for bite marks.

"What's wrong?" His teacher might be aware that he was watching him.

"I've done my punishment. Now I'm going back to class." Seokhoon replied with a sharp glare that made his teacher can't wait to get away from him.

"Alright then." His teacher walked away from him very quickly.

Seokhoon looked at his teacher, he then recalled Mr Jung.

"then you have to include everyone in this school, including teachers, staff."

"Look at the oddity in the current teacher structure. With that, you will find the answer."

He still didn't understand what his teacher was saying. Actually, he seemed to understand, he also felt strange, but he couldn't point out what's strange.

When he walked back, he saw Bae Joonyoung staring at him in front of one of the rooms. He approached his classmate whom he had not noticed before and invited him to walk together to class. rethought what Rona said about Bae Joonyoung that also had a theory that it wasn't Minhyuk who did it. From the corner of his eye, he could see Bae Joonyoung walking next to him nervously while glancing at him a few times. He turned at him.

"What's wrong?" Seokhoon asked him.

"Even Mr Ma is afraid of you." He heard Bae Joonyoung answer softly but he heard it.

"Ah. Sorry." His classmate added before Seokhoon responded to him.

They walked again in silence but Seokhoon felt that his classmate still looked nervous or even scared but he kept walking, didn't have the intention to ask further.

"You, you're not going to take me somewhere to hit me are you?"

Seokhoon turned to his friend, bewildered at his question.

"For what?"

"Because I escorted Bae Rona to the medical room. Your sister threatened me because of it."

"I'm going to kill Joo Seokkyung." Seokhoon mumbled irritatedly. He looked at his nervous classmate.

"Hey, listen. I'm not that possessively jealous of every guy who is close to my girlfriend." Seokhoon answered, annoyed.

"That's good, actually Rona also told me to feel at ease with her. She is indeed a nice girl."

Seokhoon's forehead furrowed to hear the boy walking next to him casually mentioning his girlfriend's name and talking about it as if they were already close friends.

"I mean Bae Rona…" He watched Bae Joonyoung stutter as if he knew his mistake.

"I know I said that I'm not that possessive, but I also don't just let other men get close to her." Seokhoon knew his answer really didn't make sense after he just said he didn't always get jealous of guys being close to his girlfriend. Maybe, he is that possessive.

"I understand."

They arrived in front of their class, but before entering class Seokhoon said to the boy next to him.

"Can you meet me after school later? I want to talk to you about something."

Seokhoon saw his friend fall silent after he asked her to meet him. He smiled a little, realizing something.

"Don't worry, I won't hit you." Seokhoon then patted the boy on the back before entering the classroom and walking towards his seat.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Minhyuk staring at him.



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