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Disclaimer: Penthouse story and characters are not mines. I'm just a big SeokRona fan who still can't move on from them ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Please forgive grammar mistakes and typos. (^_^)



The school bell, a sign that school is over, already rang a while ago and Rona promised to Seokhoon to meet him in the piano room before going home. While tidying up the music paper, Seokhoon had called her several times but was not getting picked up. Then Seokkyung entered the room.

"Eh? Rona hasn't come yet? I thought she was here." Seokkyung looked around, searching for a person.

"What do you mean?" Seokhoon's fear started to arise.

"She was already left right after we got out of the toilet, she left her phone. I was already in the car and waiting for her but you kept calling her, so I came here." Seokkyung showed Rona's phone.

"How long?"

"Around ten minutes maybe, I ..." Seokkyung didn't have time to continue her words because Seokhoon grabbed Rona's phone and ran towards the door which was suddenly being opened.

"Ah sorry!" Rona was surprised to see her boyfriend behind the door.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??" Seokhoon asked her in a loud voice, angry.

"Seokhoon-ah" Rona looked at him scared.

"I ask, where have you been?" Seokhoon, who saw his girlfriend getting scared because of him, then slightly lowered his voice.

"I stopped by Ms Lee's room, she asked about the homework assigned to me."

"How could you carelessly leave your phone? You don't know how worried I am? There are still many people who hate you and expect you to be harmed. I'm amazed, you can still be that relaxed while here I am worried about you." Seokhoon expressed his frustration by ruffling his hair.

"Oppa! Stop it!" Seokkyung tried to intervene before they got into a bigger fight.

"You too!! Why didn't you make sure Rona was in this room? Why did you have to wait ten minutes to go here? You should have to make sure she's here right away!" Seokhoon turned his anger towards his younger sister.

"What do you think I am? Don't try to put your fears on me!" Seokkyung replied irritably.

"Forget it, I didn't expect you to do these things. Until now you may not have realized that I was like this because of your mistake. Maybe what Jeni said was right, you secretly still hope Rona gets hurt." Seokhoon glared at his sister.


Smack!! The sound of skin being slapped makes the room become quiet.

"SHUT IT JOO SEOKHOON!"  Rona shouted to him after she slapped Seokhoon which surprised both Seokhoon and Seokkyung.

"I'm tired of your overprotective behaviour. Apologize to Seokkyung now!"


"I said now!!"

When Seokhoon was still silent.

"I'm so disappointed in you!" Rona looked at Seokhoon, frustrated.

When she watched Seokhoon still fall silent, Rona looked at Seokkyung and said "I'm waiting for you in the car, don't go before your stupid brother apologizes to you." Rona took her phone and walked towards the door.

"And don't worry, I'll ask Seo ahjussi to tell you when I get into the car." With that Rona left the room.


Three minutes had passed, the piano room was still quiet since Rona left.  Both Seokkyung and Seokhoon still couldn't speak, they both seem to think about the words that came out of their commotion earlier. Seokkyung who was thinking about Seokhoon's words that she contributed to Rona's accident, and Seokhoon who was thinking about Rona's words.



Both of them said the same word at the same time. Before either of them continued, a ding sound came from Seokkyung's phone.

"From Seo ahjussi, he said Rona was already in the car."

"Oh.." Seokhoon's only responds.


"I'm sorry, Seokkyung. I didn't mean to shout and accuse you like that. I just .."

"Worried about Rona?" Seokkyung continued his brother's words, which he nodded.

"I hope you understand. You know what I was like when I lost Rona, right? That feeling, I don't want to experience it again." Seokhoon closed his eyes trying to erase that bad memory.

"I understand, I actually understand your fear, especially now that Rona is still not out of danger."

"Thank you. I lost her once, I just don't want to lose her again. If this happens again, I might not want to live anymore."

"Oppa.." Seokkyung didn't like his words.

"You know I mean it."

Seokkyung sighed before saying "I know. Actually, I know that all this time you have felt hurt because you lost Rona. Both when Rona went to the US and when Rona was thought to be dead. I know that, I understand it because I feel your pain. But I'm too selfish to care about it. I'm sorry." Seokkyung looked down without looking at her brother.

"Help me, Seokkyung-ah. Help me to protect Rona. Or at least help me to convince her to be more careful." Seokhoon asked while holding Seokkyung's hand.

"I'll help you, but you may also have to lower down your protective attitudes. At least understand what Rona wants. Maybe she doesn't want you to treat her as if she is made of glass."

"Tch" Seokhoon smiled at that.

"Okay, I'll go then." Seokkyung started to walk towards the exit.

"... And don't worry, we'll go straight home, I'll make sure that we won't stop anywhere." are Seokkyung's last words before disappeared from behind the door.



Thank you for reading my fic and giving me votes and lovely comments. I truly appreciate your support.

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