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Disclaimer: Penthouse story and characters are not mines. I'm just a big SeokRona fan who still can't move on from them ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Please forgive grammar mistakes and typos. (^_^)



Suryeon hung up the phone after talking to Logan to tell him about the incident at school. Previously she had also told him about terrors for Rona two days in a row. Logan advised her to add more security personnel, not only for Rona but also for her and the twins. Logan's secretary also helped her investigate people she thought were suspicious. So far, the former secretary of her ex-husband had not done anything suspicious as well as the secretary Cheon Seojin, who's probably busy looking for Ha Eunbyeol, who was rumoured to have been kidnapped by her tutor. Seokhoon's request to investigate Minhyuk's family ended up finding nothing suspicious. Minhyuk's grandparents were in a state facing so much loss due to his son's actions so they are more focused on clearing their family name and dignity again. If they do this, they really won't be able to get up again. They might use more methods to defame their enemy than to harm them, especially high school children. The one whose existence is still uncertain is Jeni's father. Everyone said that Jeni's father was in Dubai, but neither Logan's secretary nor the private investigator she used found out about him at all. Jeni's father's name was never found on the plane trip to and from Dubai in five years.

"Ms Shim." She turned after her name was called.

"My name is Jung Hyungwoo, I am a literary arts teacher of Bae Rona, Joo Seokhoon and Joo Seokkyung." The man in front of her bowed down to introduce himself.

"I have heard from Seokkyung that you are the one who is helping my children." She saw that her children's teacher was somewhat astonished by her indirectly calling Rona her daughter. That is the reality though, for her Rona is her daughter.

"My help was very small, Joo Seokhoon did everything. He managed to find Bae Rona on time. I only helped bring her to the medical room after he was unconscious due to a wound on his head."

"Still, I thank you." Suryeon bowed as a sign that she was very grateful for the help of her children's teacher.

"You're welcome then." The teacher, who looked like he was much younger than her, bowed back.

"Is the trial about to start?" Suryeon asked him while observing him. Physically, he's like an inch shorter than her son. This man who called himself a literary arts teacher is a new teacher at Cheong A. Since Cheon Seojin's stepmother and half-sister took on Cheong A, several teachers have been replaced.

"In a moment, I'm here to take you."

After hearing him, Suryeon walked into the room where the trial will be held with the teacher.

"You're a new teacher, aren't you?"

"Yes, I've only been a teacher here since Cheon Seojin was being replaced."

Suryeon just nodded in understanding. She began to include this teacher as one she should suspect. She tried to dig deeper.

"For this case, what do you think of it? Are you also suspicious of Lee Minhyuk?"

Jung Hyungwoo just stared at her briefly, he seemed hesitant to answer.

"Don't worry ... I don't have any bad intention. I just want to know what one of the teachers here thinks about the terror incidents that were happened to Rona." Suryeon smiled reassuringly.

"To be honest, I doubt Lee Minhyuk is the culprit."


"Physically impossible." The answer given by this teacher made Suryeon tilt her head.

He who saw the confusion on Suryeon's face soon explained further.

"Even though I'm a literary arts teacher, I also taught PE in the past and can clearly distinguish which one is physically strong and which one is weak. Lee Minhyuk could not possibly hang Bae Rona and beat Joo Seokhoon."

Suryeon nodded at that.

"What if it's someone paid by Lee Minhyuk?"

"Unless Cheong A's insider is that someone, then it can't be. I've thoroughly checked all the CCTV and no strangers have entered and out."

Suryeon thought more of the words 'unless Cheong A's insider' than strangers entered this school.

"You mean, the culprit was someone in Cheong A?" Suryeon saw that the teacher was surprised by her question.

"Ah.. that." The man in front of her looked around and then fell silent.

"There's no one else here, you can tell me."

"Honestly, I suspect Mr Ma and also.." He closed his gap to Suryeon to whisper.

"Cheon Seoyoung dan her mother."

"You mean Cheon Seojin's stepmother and half-sister?"

Seeing Mr Jung's nod, Suryeon widened her eyes. Cheon Seojin and her family still tried to ruin their lives?

"This Cheon family still wants to harm Rona?" Suryeon asked in disbelief.

"I'm not sure if the main purpose is to harm Bae Rona, but they are very incessantly accusing Minhyuk and Jeni of being the culprit. As if they want the two of them to be expelled from school. I've heard Ms Cheon Seoyoung really dislikes the school and their foundation is still linked to the Hera Palace scandal."

Suryeon looked at the man walking next to her. She didn't simply cast him out from suspicious people she needed to watch over. The statements he gave her earlier were too detailed to be called opinions.

"You may be confused that I can say all this. To be honest, I don't suspect anything before, but then I overheard Ms Cheon Seoyoung's annoyance towards Ms Cheon Seojin and Hera Palace. Then the terrors happened, and for some reason, the school authorities insisted on accusing Lee Minhyuk of being the culprit so I became suspicious. That's why, when I realized my phone had disappeared, I directly went straight to Rona's class."

Suryeon listened carefully to the reasoning of the man walking next to her until they arrived at the front of the trial room.

"Ms Shim Suryeon. Welcome!" The familiar voice greeted her as soon as they arrived in front of the trial room. Mr Ma Dooki, who used to be Cheon Seojin's right hand in this school, greeted her while playing with his hair. Suryeon looked at the teacher who always troubled her best friend Oh Yoonhee and Rona. She questioned why this teacher was still employed if Cheon Seojin's stepmother and half-sister replaced almost all of the teachers at Cheong A. One teacher who was clearly on Cheon Seojin's side was still here.

Shim Suryeon replied to him with a smile. Not long after, she saw her daughter approach her and hug her.



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